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- FAQ / Friendica @faq
- An overview of all uploaded images is listed at **. On that page, you can al... try to add the link by typing: <code>[url=]self-chosen name[/url]</code>. You can also ... r the separation between url and parameters. For example if you want to see in German you have to add ''?lang=de'' to the URL:
- Friendica API authentication @docs
- do whatever they asked you for. For the sake of example, let's suppose you have a web application called FarmGame hosted at https://farmgame.example, and you want to allow users of a Friendica insta... e called FriendZone, hosted at https://friendzone.example, to log in to your app and let your app post to t... t_uri'' as specified by FarmGame (for the sake of example, let's say ''https://farmgame.example/complete-fr
- Abstracts @docs
- content for the posting. With a link [url=]to[/url] and some other text. </code> You don't have to add the abstract at the beginning... eter for their connector. So, expanding the above example. <code> [abstract=twit]This is the text that is ... content for the posting. With a link [url=]to[/url] and some other text. </c
- Formatting Syntax @wiki
- links. These are quick links to other Wikis. For example this is a link to Wikipedia's page about Wikis: [... inks. These are quick links to other Wikis. For example this is a link to Wikipedia's page about Wikis: [... t formats for maximum browser compatibility. For example consider this embedded mp4 video: {{video.mp4|... the video and be either a jpg or png file. In the example above a ''video.jpg'' file would work. ===== Lis
- Friendica Installation @docs
- installed Friendica into a sub directory, like Example: <code> cp .htacces-dist .htaccess </code> Note... write path. One critical URL would look like, for example: It must be visible to the public and must respond with an XML f... inutes in order to perform background processing. Example: <code> cd /base/directory; /path/to/php bin/wor
- bbcode @de:docs
-</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>[mail][/mail]</td> <td><a href=""></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>[]Eine E-Mail senden[/mail]</td> <td><a href="ma
- faq @de:docs
- dann verlinke den Beitrag einfach per [url=]<i>freigewählter Name</i>[/url] im Editor. V... endet werden. Ein Beispiel: auf Deutsch: <a name="contacts"></a> ### Was
- settings @de:docs
- nschalten. Nachdem dies geschehen ist, kannst du `` (tausche mit dem echten Domainnamen aus) aufrufen werden. Dadurch werden dann die ... Ding anfordern, das über einen Webfinger ( ) identifiziert wird. # Die Ausnahmen der Re... t werden. 'config' => [ 'admin_email' => ',', ], ## PHP Pfad Einige
- Friendica Storage Backend Addon development @docs
- ld add the predecessor for transparency reasons. Example: <code php> use Friendica\Core\Storage\Capabilit... e\Storage\Exception\StorageException(sprintf('The Example Storage throws an exception for reference %s', $r... 00, $exception); } } } </code> ===== Example ===== Here is a hypothetical addon which registe... ould always validate the data. // in this example we check if file exists if (!file_exists(
- Friendica BBCode tags reference @docs
- )%%'' | | Set an email link | ''%%[mail][/mail]%%'' | | Use some text as label for the email link | ''%%[]Send an email to User[/mail]%%'' ==== Blocks... /static/demo/|the used libraries homepage]]. For example <code> Can somebody help me with the [code]hello... l abstract element will be used. If you use (for example) the "buffer" connector to post to Facebook or Go
- Autoloader with Composer @docs
- .autoload.php|official PHP documentation]]. ==== Example ==== Let’s say you have a PHP file in ''%%src/%%... // return result } </code> That’s a quite simple example, but look: no ''%%require()%%''! If you need to u... s a parent class. It works with the “BaseManager” example here and it works when we need to call static met
- config @docs
- 'config' => [ 'admin_email' => '', ] Where you have to match the ema... 'config' => [ 'admin_email' => ',', ] If you want to have a more personalized closing line for the notifica
- Filtering your Network Stream @docs
- ch for, separated by a comma in the settings. The example below will collapse all postings containing the w... posts with specific domains ''%%body matches "/\\.example\\.com/"%%'' - Collapse posts that contains the ... ow certain it is about the detected language. For example something like "Good Morning Fediverse" has confi
- Settings @docs
- the thing identified by a webfinger (''''). ====== Exceptions to the rule ====== ... . <code> 'config' => [ 'admin_email' => ',', ], </code> ===== PHP Path ===== Some of Friendica’s processes are running in the
- Homepage Verification @docs
- ou created your account on the server '''' then your profile URL page is ''''. For this URL you need to add... epage fields)). <code><a href="" rel="me">This is my Friendica