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- Press Room
- s://|Friendica and the Free Network]] by CovFeFe * [[ s://|A quick guide to The Free Network]] by Sean Tilley * [[
- Configuration Guide for small Nodes @docs
- rce hungry parts of Friendica those resources are free for logged in users. These resource hungry parts ... optimize tables''. The optimization will actually free the space the table is reserving on the storage (
- Using SSL with Friendica @docs
- There are ways to get a trusted certificate for free. ===== Choose your domain name ===== Your SSL c... t’s Encrypt” initiative]]. Not only do they offer free SSL certificates, but also a way to automate thei
- AaronSwift1 (aaronswift1) - Public Page @user
-|Friendica Support Forum]]** Feel free to remove this paragraph (beside the title)...\\ ... that is not only easy to use but also completely free because we think that everyone deserves the chanc
- Friendica Hackathon 2020 @activitys
- ica users, developers and other interested people free to join.
- Friendica Addons @addons
- ce and contains a link to the new member page and free-form text the admin can define. * [[https://gi
- Friendica API authentication @docs
- cation developers than Friendica admins. But feel free to edit this line out if you do use this function
- Using Composer @docs
- this path to run Composer commands, however feel free to replace them with your own way of calling Comp
- Domain-Driven-Design @docs
- ex creation of objects and create them redundancy free. Before: <code php> $model = new Model(\Friendi
- Where to get started to help improve Friendica @docs
- , strings are enclosed in single quotes, but feel free to use double quotes if it makes more sense (SQL
- How to improve the performance of a Friendica site @docs
- the performance of a Friendica site ====== Feel free to ask in the [[
- Friendica Installation @docs
- ould do this**, you can get a TLS certificate for free using LetsEncrypt and [[docs:ssl|the setup]] is r
- Settings @docs
- ng. Self-signed certificates can be generated for free, without paying top-dollar for a website SSL cert
- Themes @docs
- benifical for other friendica users as well, feel free to generate a pull request at github so we can in
- Friendica translations @docs
- proving Friendicas translation! Please register a free Transifex account and ask over at [[https://www.t