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Friendica Installation @docs
10 Hits, Last modified:
f you wish to include all optional checks, use -a like this statement: <code> bin/console autoinstall -... nfig file === You can use a prepared config file like local-sample.config.php. Navigate to the main Fr... ou have installed Friendica into a sub directory, like Example: <code> cp .htacces-dist .htaccess </c... -known/ rewrite path. One critical URL would look like, for example:
Friendica Installation @de:docs
5 Hits, Last modified:
contents must generally be world-readable. It is likely that your web server reported the source of the... "test", your ''.htaccess'' is working, but it is likely that mod-rewrite is not installed in your web s... the things it does is to block certain functions like ''proc_open'', as configured in ''/etc/php5/conf.... klist = proc_open, … </code> > > For those sites like Friendica that really need these functions they c
Configuration Guide for small Nodes @docs
2 Hits, Last modified:
ontent into your node, especially on small nodes (likely those with limited resources). Fill the global ... will optimizes all tables instead of only tables like workerqueue or the cache, so when things in the d