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- How To Move Classes to src @docs
- ame that will be used to refer to this class from now on. There is [[ <code php> namespace Friendica\Core; </code> From now on, the ''%%Config%%'' class can be referred to a... e classes ===== The class file you just moved is now in the ''%%Friendica%%'' namespace, but it probab... } </code> ===== Remove any useless require ===== Now that you successfully moved your class to the aut
- Themes @docs
- om the duepunto theme. These resemble some of the now as unsupported marked themes, that were inherited... _POST['duepuntozero_colorset']); } } Now that this information is set in the database, wha... nt keyword and link to the CSS file of it. Done. Now you can use the variant on your system. But remem... t_aside elements. So the central part of the file now looks like this: <body> <?php if(!em
- Friendica Hackathon 2020 @activitys
- Search Searching in Friendica now has some new functionality. You can use it to: ... 9 the search has been refined a bit more. You can now specify so-called operators when searching for wo
- Autoloader with Composer @docs
- namespace, you don’t have any problem) Let’s say now that you need to load some items in a view, maybe... u don’t need to do anything else. Going further: now we have a bunch of ''%%*Manager%%'' classes that
- Friendica Addon development @docs
- _module()%%''. If this function exists, you will now receive all page requests for ''%%https://my.web.
- Friendica Storage Backend Addon development @docs
- n empty array return []; } } </code> Now the plugin main file. Here we register and unregi
- Chats @docs
- ink, you will see the login page of the IRC chat. Now choose a nickname and a chatroom. You can choose
- Search in Friendica @docs
- l be imported into the node, so that the user can now interact with the content as usual (like, re-shar
- Friendica on GitHub @docs
- he moment a release branch is created, develop is now intended for the version after this release**. So
- ejabberd and prosody XMPP server with synchronized credentials @docs
- ccount/verify_credentials.json"; </code> You can now use your Friendica account credentials to login t
- Friendica Message Flow @docs
- versation (excluding himself, the conversation is now sent to both Jack and Mary). Messages are sent us
- Comment, sort and delete posts @docs
- tings, with a quote of the posting in it. You can now comment on the posting. When publishing the quote
- Homepage Verification @docs
- save the changes to your profile. Friendica will now try to find the rel-me link on your homepage. If
- FAQ / Friendica @faq
- anel> <panel title="I've changed my email address now the admin panel is gone?">Have a look into your '
- AaronSwift1 (aaronswift1) - Public Page @user
- to remove this paragraph (beside the title)...\\ Now, write something! :-D Hello everyone, I'm the fo