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- Formatting Syntax @wiki
- matting Syntax ====== [[doku>DokuWiki]] supports some simple markup language, which tries to make the d... owed by a whitespace or the end of line. This is some text with some linebreaks\\ Note that the two backslashes are only recognized at the end of a line\\ or... whitespace \\this happens without it. This is some text with some linebreaks\\ Note that the two b
- Friendica Installation @docs
- omain name or subdomain name for your server. Put some thought into this. While changing it after instal... centos-7|RHEL, CentOS]] have disabled it) * some form of email server or email gateway such that P... use the options during installation too and skip some of the environment variables. == Database creden... If that URL is not working, it is possible that some other software is using the /.well-known/ path. O
- Themes @docs
- |the community contributed theme repository]] for some of the themes (and theme customizations) the comm... more detailed description of theme heritage. - Some themes also allow users to select *variants* of t... /|CSS]] file to override some styling of the default theme values. From the the... w for a *detailed* description and the meaning of some special files. ===== Styling ===== If you want
- Friendica Hackathon 2020 @activitys
- er experience of Friendica! :laughing: Here are some of the things we did: * Start a new Wiki (this... toren ( ) ist seit der 2020.09 drin Maybe some podcast after a release about the release ... ecation Notice: Class_Text_LanguageDetectTest AND some more (~24 pieces) Simpler BUG notice to t... suggest: First Contact Wiz. with Contacts in some Langs (DE, EN, FR,...) First Contacter can be by
- Settings @docs
- by user settings. The Friendica community offers some translations. Some more complete then others. See [[:docs:translations|this help page]] for more inform... s a dedicated subpage showing the current status, some information about the theme and a screen-shot of ... //Link to source//. ===== Addon Features ===== Some of the addons you can install for your Friendica
- Abstracts @docs
- he text for the abstract within the BBCode tag at some place into your posting. <code> [abstract]This ... [url=]to[/url] and some other text. </code> You don't have to add the ab... twitter.[/abstract] [abstract=apub]silly content, some words of warning[/abstract] This is the [i]norma... [url=]to[/url] and some other text. </code> From this posting, Friendica
- Groups and Privacy @docs
- ns of friends. But Friendica uses these to unlock some very powerful features. ===== Setting Up Groups ... er networks, it may not be removed quickly and in some cases it may not be removed at all. In case you ... r than one website which controls everything) has some implications with privacy as it relates to people... r we take privacy seriously and don’t behave like some networks that **pretend** your photos are private
- Creating posts @docs
- ending on your browser and operating system (OS). Some filetypes are WebM, MP4 and OGG.* <p style="clear... > These icons can change depending on the theme. Some examples: <table> <tr> <code> <td>Vier: </td>... dow"> <figcaption>Permission settings window with some contact selected</figcaption> </figure> Click on... make the post public again. If you have defined some groups, you can check "show" for groups also. All
- Friendica BBCode tags reference @docs
- se|the Fediverse]] depends on their capabilities. Some will just present a plain text version of the pos... et | ''%%[url][/url]%%'' | | Use some text as label for the link | ''%%[url=http://frie... '%%[mail][/mail]%%'' | | Use some text as label for the email link | ''%%[mail=user... [/abstract]<br> Today I was in the woods and took some real cool pictures ... </code> For Twitter and A
- How to improve the performance of a Friendica site @docs
- ile/helpers|Friendica support forum]] if you need some clarification about the following instructions or... ontacts then completing of conversations can take some time. Since you will miss several comments in OSt... o analyze your bottlenecks. When enabled you see some values at the bottom of every page. They show you... g. included in Debian 11 / Bullseye) you can gain some performance by setting ''optimizer_use_condition_
- Friendica Administration @docs
- Admin Panel ('''') of the node. Some of the administrative features, mostly new ones, ... the performance of your Friendica node, here are some tipps in [[docs:improve-performance|how to improv... list of tools that are shipped with Friendica and some useful 3rd party tools. ===== Backup Strategy ===
- config @docs
- p` and must not include `-sample` in their name. Some examples of common known configuration files: - `... settings.config.php` holds the default values for some configuration keys that are set through the admin... only be set in config/local.config.php There are some config values that haven't found their way into t
- Friendica API authentication @docs
- The process is complicated, but it's worth it for some use cases. The user experience is the same as e.... ogin with GitHub" buttons you see around the web. Some application wants your Friendica instance to conf... t you have an account with them, or wants to take some actions on your Friendica account. You click the
- Vagrant for Friendica Developers @docs
- pository. Inside, you'll find a "Vagrantfile" and some scripts in the utils folder ==== Run Vagrant ===... a 2022.10) ''''((Virtualbox has made some changes regarding the IP address a guest system c
- The Fediverse @docs
- t ONE single provider. There are many providers - some small, some huge. - Users can interact with each other (follow, like, comment). - It is Open Source