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Friendica Installation @docs
7 Hits, Last modified:
ervers]] and join the forums mentioned above from there. The account will expire after 7 days, but you ca... php> </code> === B.2: Environment variables === There are two types of environment variables. * thos... irectory, however this is not always possible. If there is any /.well-known/.htaccess file, it could inte... and do most of the server wide configuration from there. === worker alternative: daemon === Otherwise,
Friendica Installation @de:docs
2 Hits, Last modified:
not allowing your ''.htaccess'' file to be used (there are rules in this file to block access to any fil... hange either of these and can not figure out how. There is a lot of help available on the web. Search "mo
Friendica Administration @docs
2 Hits, Last modified:
ngs will happen to your server. Sooner or later. Therefore you should have a backup strategy. To easy th... take a bit longer, and in cases of critical fixes there might be a release sooner. Releases will be annou