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- FAQ / Friendica @faq
- endica: ===== User FAQ ===== <accordion> <panel title="Are there any clients for Friendica I can use?">... /nolanlawson/pinafore|Pinafore]] </panel> <panel title="Why do I get warnings about SSL certificates?">S... l|section of the admin manual]].)</panel> <panel title="How can I upload images, files, links, videos an...|audio]].</panel> <panel title="How can I view Friendica in a certain language?"
- Friendica Addon development @docs
- utput = Renderer::replaceMacros($tpl, array( 'title' => 'My beautiful addon', )); </code> See also th... (output): Required. The addon folder name. * **title** (output): Required. The addon settings panel title. * **href** (output): Optional. If set, will redu... = [ 'addon' => 'advancedcontentfilter', 'title' => DI::l10n()->t('Advanced Content Filter'),
- Friendica API @docs
- replyto'': ID of the replied direct message * ''title'': Title of the direct message ==== POST api/direct_messages/destroy==== Deprecated Twitter direct mes... tText` (optional): `plain`|`html` If ommited, the title is prepended to the plaintext body in the `text` ... "edited": "date(YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)", "title": "photo title", "desc": "photo descripti
- FAQ / Wiki @faq
- for the Wiki, Friendica, ...: <accordion> <panel title="Wiki Localize"> The localisation of DokuWiki (DW... guageswitch/ and change it to EN. </panel> <panel title="Where to put new Content"> Use the overview page... ny language you know in addition. </panel> <panel title="Wiki Editing"> After register, you can see aroun... </panel> <panel title="Wiki Namespaces"> A Namespace is similary like a
- Friendica API entities @docs
- e URI string | | ''name'' | String (Plaintext) | Title | | ''desc'' | String (HTML) | Description | | ... _activities'' | Activities | No | | ''friendica_title'' | String (Plaintext) | No | | ''friendica_htm... ng (Date) | Format ''YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'' | | ''title'' | String | | | ''desc'' | String (Plaintext) | ... der'' | Contact | | ''recipient'' | Contact | | ''title'' | String | Empty if the API call parameter ''%%
- Friendica BBCode tags reference @docs
- hile ''[h6]'' is the lowest header. If you set a title for the posting you are composing, it is displaye... t will be shown (eg, documents from scribd). Page title with a link to *url* will be shown.</td> </tr> </
- Events @docs
- her side of the world. And similar events. * **Title**: a title for the event * **Description**: a longer description for the event * **Location**: the l
- Friendica Templating Documentation @docs
- the value for that identifier, i.e. <code> '$title' => $install_title, </code> where the value may as well be an array by its own. ===== Form Templates ==
- Creating posts @docs
- puntozero</b> theme.</figcaption> </figure> Post title is optional, you can set it by clicking on "Set title". Posts can optionally be in one or more categori
- Gesamtindex
- ex>noabstract;border=both;cols=2;section=0;proper;title;nohideatoz;default;showorder;showcount;nohidejump
- Abstracts @docs
- / from other platforms. They either be shown as a title of a posting, or the posting can be collapsed in
- How to post to Lemmy from your Friendica account @docs
- '!bang'' notation. Additionally you have to set a title for the posting. ==== Reply to a thread ==== On
- AaronSwift1 (aaronswift1) - Public Page @user
- * Feel free to remove this paragraph (beside the title)...\\ Now, write something! :-D Hello everyone,
- Adam Ruiz (adamtbn1580543) - Public Page @user
- Support Forum]]** Feel free to remove this paragraph (beside the title)...\\ Now, write something! :-D
- Andreas Kilgus (aki42) - Public Page @user
- Support Forum]]** Feel free to remove this paragraph (beside the title)...\\ Now, write something! :-D