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Friendica Installation @docs
12 Hits, Last modified:
rgc_argv set to true in the php.ini file * Curl, GD, GMP, PDO, mbstrings, MySQLi, hash, xml, zip ... following extensions in your PHP configuration: curl gd pdo_mysql mbstring xml iconv zip openssl pecl-... domain (without a directory/path component in the URL) is RECOMMENDED. Directory paths will not be as c... ed into config/local.config.php. * ''FRIENDICA_URL_PATH'' The URL path of Friendica (f.e. ‘/friendic
Friendica Installation @de:docs
10 Hits, Last modified:
auf “true” gesetzt in der php.ini-Datei * Curl, GD, PDO, GMP, mbstrings, MySQLi, hash, xml, zip ... üssen folgende PHP Extensionen aktiviert werden: curl gd pdo_mysql mbstring xml iconv zip openssl pecl-... ain (ohne eine Verzeichnis/Pfad-Komponente in der URL) wird bevorzugt. Verzeichnispfade sind für diesen... /MariaDB Datenbank (env MYSQL_DATABASE) * ''-u|–urlpath <url_path>'' Der Pfad Anteil der URL unter de
Formatting Syntax @wiki
2 Hits, Last modified:
image resizing, internal and external images and URLs and interwiki links). ===== Footnotes ===== Yo... oku>images|images, videos and audio files]] with curly brackets. Optionally you can specify the size of
Filtering your Network Stream @docs
4 Hits, Last modified:
more than 1 image ''%%body matches "/(?:(?:(?:\\[url(?:=.*)?\\])?\\[img(?:=.*)?\\].*\\[\\/img\\]\\s*(?:\\[\\/url\\])?)\\s*){2}/"%%'' - Collapse posts that were ... n expand this rule with a check for their profile URL ''causer_link != author_link && causer_link == '<profile_url>''' For a more detailed documentation of the add
Search in Friendica @docs
2 Hits, Last modified:
r the word //Fediverse// or //Friendica//. ===== URL Search ===== * Pattern: '' ll try to find ActivityPub enabled content at the URL that was used. If successful the posting will be