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Configuration Guide for small Nodes @docs
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m. === Limit public access === If non-logged in users have less access to potentially resource hungry p... Friendica those resources are free for logged in users. These resource hungry parts include ''Community ... omatically, as long as it is not protected by the users of the node. The settings for this are * ''Lif... entioned settings admins can set for their server users can limit the scope of content they collect from
Press Room
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itecture]] by @[[|deadsuperhero]] * [[ ist]] by Laurel Russwurm * [[
Formatting Syntax @wiki
1 Hits, Last modified:
a Windows Share. To remove this warning (for all users), put the following line in ''conf/lang/en/lang.p
Channels @docs
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3-12-released/|2023.12]] to Friendica. They allow users to define rules that are used to filter the conte
User Documentation @docs
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== A collection of useful tips and tutorials for users of Friendica. * [[Abstract|Abstracts - How to
Filtering your Network Stream @docs
3 Hits, Last modified:
addon was activated in the nodes admin settings, users can filter their network stream based on the lang... utch, Swedish and German. This setting allows the users to select the confidence value at which the filte... ch or Italian. {{ :docs:friendica-languagefilter-usersettings.png?nolink |Screenshot of the "Language Fi
User Documentation
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r all members of the Friendica community, be they users, admins or developers. ===== User Documentation... lign=center}} [[:docs:user|User Docs]] Help for users of Friendica </TEXT> </col> <col sm="4"> <TEXT al
Search in Friendica @docs
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ch in Friendica ====== Depending on the settings users of Friendica can perform searches for various thi