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- Twitter API
- que in each network but not for all networks. The users are searched in the following priority: Friendica... ttps:// ttps:// ttps://
- Settings
- unts on your node, which can be moderated in the “Users” section of the panel. As well as an overview of ... uire approval to register). By default, logged in users can register additional accounts for use as pages... o //require approval// You may prohibit logged in users from creating additional accounts by setting //bl... wn to visitors of your Friendica node. Your local users will always have access to both pages. **Note**:
- Friendica API authentication
- sm, so getting this process wrong can expose your users' accounts to being impersonated or their data sto... t https://farmgame.example, and you want to allow users of a Friendica instance called FriendZone, hosted... FriendZone to give you a "client ID" (which your users use to tell FriendZone who you are) and a "client... direct communications between you and FriendZone, users don't see it). Client IDs and client secrets are
- Friendica API
- "missing user" | "reactivated" | "ok" * ''wrong users'': array of users, which were not available in the contact table ==== POST api/friendica/group_update==... * ''status'': "missing user" | "ok" * ''wrong users'': array of users, which were not available in the contact table ==== POST api/friendica/group_delete =
- Themes
- ion of theme heritage. - Some themes also allow users to select *variants* of the theme.Those theme var... function theme_post(App $a){ // non local users shall not pass if (! local_user()) { ... variation could be benifical for other friendica users as well, feel free to generate a pull request at ... me may not be selected by a user in the settings. Users who are already using it wont notice anything. =
- First Steps
- n, you can also opt to include the tags from your users profiles to be imported. Postings imported from ... hat the community page is enabled at least to the users of your Friendica node. ===== Customize the Logi... ns general information about what private data of users is needed by Friendica and how users can export their data. /* After the installation, what are the fir
- Configuration Guide for small Nodes
- m. === Limit public access === If non-logged in users have less access to potentially resource hungry p... Friendica those resources are free for logged in users. These resource hungry parts include ''Community ... omatically, as long as it is not protected by the users of the node. The settings for this are * ''Lif... entioned settings admins can set for their server users can limit the scope of content they collect from
- Filtering your Network Stream
- addon was activated in the nodes admin settings, users can filter their network stream based on the lang... utch, Swedish and German. This setting allows the users to select the confidence value at which the filte... ch or Italian. {{ :docs:friendica-languagefilter-usersettings.png?nolink |Screenshot of the "Language Fi
- Abstracts
- to //hide your posting behind// a button, so that users may decide if they want to read the entire postin... he network stream]] according to the needs of the users. E.g. a simple word filter (NSFW), the advanced c
- Making Friends
- e you manually. ===== Connect to other Friendica users ===== Visit their profile. Just beneath their pr... you through a similar process. ===== Connect to users of alternate networks ===== ==== Across the Fede
- Installing Connectors (Twitter/GNU Social)
- our consumer_secret here </code> After this, your users can configure their Twitter account settings from
- Tags and Mentions
- allows this Friendica user can be @-mentioned by users from platforms using this protocol in conversatio
- Using SSL with Friendica
- are a number of steps you can take to ensure your users will use SSL to access your instance. ==== Web s
- Documentation
- lign=center}} [[:docs:user|User Docs]] Help for users of Friendica </TEXT> </col> <col sm="4"> <TEXT a
- The Fediverse
- e are many providers - some small, some huge. - Users can interact with each other (follow, like, comme