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- Settings @docs
- *: Everybody can register a new account and start using it right away. * **requires approval**: Everybo... you can decide if registrations are only possible using an invitation code or not. To enable invitation b... g data can be moved to the current active backend using the [[:docs:tools|‘storage move’ console command]... h browsers and other networks we do not recommend using self-signed certificates, but we will not prevent
- Friendica BBCode tags reference @docs
- endica BBCode tags reference ====== Friendica is using the [[wp>BBCode]] markup language to format posti... ered Text === In Friendica you can center a text using the ''[center]This text is centered[/center]'' BB... e code or create a multi-line code block, both by using the BBCode ''[code]'' tag. If it is used on a sin... === You can set heading with descending order by using ''[h1]'' to ''[h6]'' tags. ''[h1]'' is the main h
- Friendica Installation @docs
- do this**, you can get a TLS certificate for free using LetsEncrypt and [[docs:ssl|the setup]] is relativ... epared config file (f.e. prepared.config.php) * using environment variables (f.e. MYSQL_HOST) * using options (f.e. --dbhost <host>) You can combine enviro... rking, it is possible that some other software is using the /.well-known/ path. Other symptoms may includ
- Formatting Syntax @wiki
- ==== Internal ==== Internal links are created by using square brackets. You can either just give a [[pag... ame|link text]]. Internal links are created by using square brackets. You can either just give a [[p... not allowed. You can use [[some:namespaces]] by using a colon in the pagename. You can use [[some:namespaces]] by using a colon in the pagename. For details about names
- Friendica Message Flow @docs
- the Friendica network. There are multiple paths, using multiple protocols and message formats. Those at... all immediate deliveries to all networks are made using include/notifier.php, which chooses how (and to w... ub has delivery issues (this is quite common when using the default Google reference hub). If there is no... ends it to everybody involved in the conversation using dfrn-notify. PuSH hubs are notified that new cont
- Two-Factor Authentication @docs
- two-factor authentication (2FA) can be configured using a mobile app. Then a Time-based One-Time Password... multiple devices, during setup, scan the QR code using each device at the same time. * If 2FA is alrea... nter your account settings manually. Friendica is using default settings for token type, code digit count... ll have to configure your authenticator app again using the process above. ===== Managing your One-Time
- Themes @docs
- in the main repository duepunto zero and vier are using this methods for variations. Quattro is using a slightly different approach. - You can start your them... templates used by the theme. Friendica themes are using [[|SMARTY3]] for templating... ar steps are needed for quattro but this theme is using [[|lesscss]] to maintain
- Connectors @docs
- ed if you wish posts to appear on an OStatus site using an existing OStatus account. It is not necessary ... hat the pages need to have is a discoverable feed using either the RSS or Atom syndication format, and wh... t have the Twitter connector installed, and reply using your own status editor. Begin the message with @t... e, you may enter an email address to connect with using the Connect box on your Contacts page. They must
- How to improve the performance of a Friendica site @docs
- Enable "Use MySQL full text engine" </code> When using MyISAM (default) or InnoDB on MariaDB 10 this spe... mentation. ===== PHP ===== ==== FCGI ==== When using Apache think about using FCGI. In a Debian-based distribution you will need to install the packages name... s helps to find performance problems. If you are using MariaDB 10.5 (e.g. included in Debian 11 / Bullse
- FAQ / Friendica @faq
- ny clients for Friendica I can use?">Friendica is using a [[docs:api-twitter|Twitter]]/[[docs:api-gnu-soc... posts?">You can upload images from your computer using the [editor](help/Text_editor). An overview of al... h any kind of file to a post. This is possible by using the "paper-clip"-symbol in the editor. These file... :// or using the Matrix web client
- Resources
- r Friendica]] * [[:docs:api|Friendica API]] * Using the [[:tech:twitter_connector|Twitter Connector]] * Using the [[:tech:email_connector|E-Mail Connector]] =... riendica%% at (bridged to IRC) ===== Using Friendica with Clients ===== {{entry>Friendica/H
- Abstracts @docs
- ====== Abstracts ====== Using [[docs:bbcode|BBCode]] for formatting your postings, you can add an abstra... s ===== If you are replying to a posting that is using an abstract (or content warning) you might consider using this abstract as well for your reply. In order to
- Friendica Addon development @docs
- sample addon ‘randplace’ for a working example of using some of these features. Addons work by intercepti... d>%%'' sections. Stylesheets should be registered using this hook. ''%%$b%%'' is an HTML string of the ''... d. Deferred Javascript files should be registered using this hook. ''%%$b%%'' is (string) HTML of footer
- Mastodon API @docs
- e same as described in [[:docs:api#Authentication|Using the APIs]]. ===== Clients ===== ==== Supported ... * Doesn’t return unicode emojis since they aren’t using an image URL * [[ returning empty data to avoid error messages when using third party clients. They refer to features that
- Where to get started to help improve Friendica @docs
- * [[autoloader|Class autoloading]] * [[Composer|Using Composer]] * [[Developer-How-To-Move-Classes-to... hpcbf` can use slightly slower PHP equivalents by using the `--no-patch` argument. ==== Code documentati... posting. ==== Client software ==== Friendica is using two API variants - [[api-twitter|Twitter/GNU S