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- Resources
-|Advanced Sharer for diaspora*]] (works with Friendica since version 3.3.3) * [[https:/...|Firefox share button support for Diaspora]] (Works with Friendica since 3.3.3)
- Autoloader with Composer @docs
- d, because it is referenced as a parent class. It works with the “BaseManager” example here and it works when we need to call static methods: <code php> // src
- Press Room
- sc/29c3/29c3-friendica-slides.pdf|slides from the workshop at 29c3]] ===== 2012 ===== * [[http://netwo
- Mikka (mikka062024) - Public Page @user
- in this wiki, tell a story or present your other works * Think about [[wp>
- Ben Millwood (meblin) - Public Page @user
- in this wiki, tell a story or present your other works * Think about [[wp>
- Manfred Beck (mayo) - Public Page @user
- in this wiki, tell a story or present your other works * Think about [[wp>
- Marc Marc (marc) - Public Page @user
- in this wiki, tell a story or present your other works * Think about [[wp>
- m33 (m33) - Public Page @user
- in this wiki, tell a story or present your other works * Think about [[wp>
- Luella Bidwell (luellabidwell2) - Public Page @user
- in this wiki, tell a story or present your other works * Think about [[wp>
- Loretta Schuler (lorettaschuler) - Public Page @user
- in this wiki, tell a story or present your other works * Think about [[wp>
- lanewsa2022 - Public Page @user
- in this wiki, tell a story or present your other works * Think about [[wp>
- Junko Marlay (junkomarlay4) - Public Page @user
- in this wiki, tell a story or present your other works * Think about [[wp>
- Karsten Nitsch (karsten) - Public Page @user
- in this wiki, tell a story or present your other works * Think about [[wp>
- Juha Laakkonen (juhalaxi) - Public Page @user
- in this wiki, tell a story or present your other works * Think about [[wp>
- Joseph Hogan (joseph) - Public Page @user
- in this wiki, tell a story or present your other works * Think about [[wp>