Tabela de conteúdos

Where to get started to help improve Friendica

Do you want to help us improve Friendica? Here we have compiled some hints on how to get started and some tasks to help you choose. A project like Friendica is the sum of many different contributions. Very different skills are required to make good software, not all of them involve coding! We are looking for helpers in all areas, whether you write text or code, whether you spread the word to convince people or design new icons. Whether you feel like an expert or like a newbie - join us with your ideas!

Contact us

The discussion of Friendica development takes place in the following Friendica forums:

Help other users

Remember the questions you had when you first tried Friendica? A good place to start can be to help new people find their way around Friendica in the general support forum. Welcome them, answer their questions, point them to documentation or ping other helpers directly if you can't help but think you know who can.


The documentation contains help on how to translate Friendica at Transifex where the UI is translated. If you don't want to translate the UI, or it is already done to your satisfaction, you might want to work on the translation of the /help files?


Are you good at designing things? If you have seen Friendica you probably have ideas to improve it, haven't you?


Friendica uses an implementation of [Domain-Driven-Design](help/Developer-Domain-Driven-Design), please make sure to check out the provided links for hints at the expected code architecture.


Friendica uses Composer to manage dependencies libraries and the class autoloader both for libraries and namespaced Friendica classes.

It's a command-line tool that downloads required libraries into the `vendor` folder and makes any namespaced class in `src` available through the whole application through `boot.php`.

If you want to have git automatically update the dependencies with composer, you can use the `post-merge` git-hook with a script similar to this one:

  #!/usr/bin/env bash
  # MIT © Sindre Sorhus -
  # forked by Gianluca Guarini
  # phponly by Ivo Bathke ;)
  # modified for Friendica by Tobias Diekershoff
  changed_files="$(git diff-tree -r --name-only --no-commit-id ORIG_HEAD HEAD)"
  check_run() {
	    echo "$changed_files" | grep --quiet "$1" && eval "$2"
  # `composer install` if the `composer.lock` file gets changed
  # to update all the php dependencies
  check_run composer.lock "bin/composer.phar install --no-dev"

just place it into `.git/hooks/post-merge` and make it executable.

Coding standards

For the sake of consistency between contribution and general code readability, Friendica follows the widespread PSR-2 coding standards to the exception of a few rules. Here's a few primers if you are new to Friendica or to the PSR-2 coding standards:

Don't worry, you don't have to know by heart the PSR-2 coding standards to start contributing to Friendica. There are a few tools you can use to check or fix your files before you commit.

For documentation we use the standard of *one sentence per line* for the `md` files in the `/doc` and `/doc/$lng` subdirectories.

Check with PHP Code Sniffer

The PHP Code Sniffer tool checks your files against a variety of coding standards, including PSR-2, and outputs a report of all the standard violations. You can simply install it through PEAR: `pear install PHP_CodeSniffer` Once it is installed and available in your PATH, here's the command to run before committing your work:

$> phpcs --standard=ruleset.xml <file or directory>

The output is a list of all the coding standards violations that you should fix before committing your work. Additionally, `phpcs` integrates with a few IDEs (Eclipse, Netbeans, PHPStorm…) so that you don't have to fiddle with the command line.

Fix with PHP Code Beautifier and Fixer (phpbcf) included in PHP Code Sniffer

If you're getting a massive list of standards violations when running `phpcs`, it can be annoying to fix all the violations by hand. Thankfully, PHP Code Sniffer is shipped with an automatic code fixer that can take care of the tedious task for you. Here's the command to automatically fix the files you created/modified:

$> phpcbf --standard=ruleset.xml <file or directory>

If the command-line tools `diff` and `patch` are unavailabe for you, `phpcbf` can use slightly slower PHP equivalents by using the `–no-patch` argument.

Code documentation

If you are interested in having the documentation of the Friendica code outside of the code files, you can use Doxygen to generate it. The configuration file for Doxygen is located in the base directory of the project sources. Run

$> doxygen Doxyfile

to generate the files which will be located in the `doc/html` subdirectory in the Friendica directory. You can browse these files with any browser.

If you find missing documentation, don't hesitate to contact us and write it down to enhance the code documentation.


Have a look at our issue tracker on github!

Web interface

The thing many people want most is a better interface, preferably a responsive Friendica theme. This is a piece of work! If you want to get involved here:

Client software

Friendica is using two API variants

  1. Twitter/GNU Social compatible,
  2. Mastodon compatible

any client / app that speaks one of the APIs and has a configurable base path/URL can be used with Friendica.