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Friendica Installation @docs
14 Hits, Last modified:
l expire after 7 days, but you can ask the server admin to keep your account longer, should the problem n... PATH'' The path of the PHP binary * ''FRIENDICA_ADMIN_MAIL'' The admin email address of Friendica (this email will be used for admin access) * ''FRIENDICA_TZ'' The timezone of Frie
Friendica Installation @de:docs
12 Hits, Last modified:
ach 7 Tagen ablaufen, aber du kannst einen Server-Admin fragen, diesen Account länger zu erhalten, sollte... PHP_PATH'' Der Pfad zur PHP-Datei * ''FRIENDICA_ADMIN_MAIL'' Die Admin E-Mail Adresse dieses Friendica Knotens (wird auch für den Admin-Zugang benötigt) * ''FRIENDICA_TZ'' Die Zeitzon
Friendica Administration @docs
4 Hits, Last modified:
nagement etc.--of a Friendica node is done in the Admin Panel ('''') of the node. Some of the administrative features, mostly new ones, have no... overview over the [[docs:settings|settings in the admin panel]] in [[docs:settings|this section]] of the ... ==== Tools for Admins ===== See the [[docs:tools|Admin Tools]] page for a list of tools that are shipped
Configuration Guide for small Nodes @docs
1 Hits, Last modified:
Server wide settings ===== ==== Settings in the admin panel ==== Activate the ''fast lane'' worker. Th