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Settings @docs
17 Hits, Last modified:
panel. Therefore this document does not yet cover all the options ==== Basic Settings ==== === Banner... ke OpenID facilities available on your system (at all), set ‘no_openid’ to true. Default is false. ===... lished in the site directory. This setting forces all profiles on this site to be listed in the site di... Public === Set to true to block public access to all otherwise public personal pages on this site unle
Friendica API @docs
14 Hits, Last modified:
efault: false) * ''%%conversation_id%%'': Shows all statuses of a given conversation. * ''%%include... efault: false) * ''%%conversation_id%%'': Shows all statuses of a given conversation. * ''%%include... n/show ==== Unofficial Twitter command. It shows all direct answers (excluding the original post) to a... * ''skip_status'' ==== GET api/direct_messages/all==== Returns all [Private Messages](help/API-Enti
Friendica Installation @docs
13 Hits, Last modified:
ocs/2.4/mod/core.html#allowoverride|AllowOverride All]]" so you can use a local ''.htaccess'' file * ... rts InnoDB and Barracuda (we recommend MariaDB as all development is done on Servers running it, but ot... your personal account. Registration errors should all be recoverable automatically. If you get any crit... le autoinstall -v </code> If you wish to include all optional checks, use -a like this statement: <co
Formatting Syntax @wiki
11 Hits, Last modified:
to be as readable as possible. This page contains all possible syntax you may use when editing the page... texts. Of course you can **__//''combine''//__** all these. DokuWiki supports **bold**, //italic//,... exts. Of course you can **__//''combine''//__** all these. You can use <sub>subscript</sub> and <sup... open a Windows Share. To remove this warning (for all users), put the following line in ''conf/lang/en/
Forums @docs
9 Hits, Last modified:
y page in Friendica has a nickname and these must all be unique. This applies to all forums, whether they are normal profiles or forum profiles. ===== Mana... They will be able to edit contacts, profiles, and all content for this account/page. Please use this fa... btypes of a Personal Page are “Soapbox” and “Love-all.” A Soapbox account is an announcement channel th
How To Move Classes to src @docs
9 Hits, Last modified:
Composer]] to manage autoloading. This means that all the PHP class files moved to the ''%%src%%'' fold... = This isn’t the most technical decision of them all, but it has long lasting consequences as it will ... eet]] to suggest namespace/class names that lists all the already moved class files for inspiration. A... gh: * ''%%Friendica%%'' is the base namespace for all classes in the ''%%src%%'' folder * Namespaces ma
Friendica Message Flow @docs
7 Hits, Last modified:
mon and Pubsubhubbub). When a message is posted, all immediate deliveries to all networks are made using include/notifier.php, which chooses how (and to wh... message. This file also invokes the local side of all deliveries including DFRN-notify. mod/dfrn_notif... then retrieve the latest feed and transmit it to all hub subscribers (which may be on different networ
Using Composer @docs
7 Hits, Last modified:
/composer.phar%%''. For the purpose of this help, all examples will use this path to run Composer comma... lease archive, you don’t have to use Commposer at all, all the required libraries are already bundled in the archive. === Installing with Git === If you p... e> That’s it! Composer will take care of fetching all the required libraries in the ''%%vendor%%'' fold
Friendica Installation @de:docs
7 Hits, Last modified:
ten mod-rewrite-Funktion und dem Eintrag “Options All”, so dass du die lokale .htaccess-Datei nutzen ka... nbank gespeichert werden, solltest du einen nicht all zu alten Dump der Friendica Datenbank zur Hand ha... lso check your file permissions. Your website and all contents must generally be world-readable. It is... rst check your file permissions. Your website and all contents must generally be world-readable. Ensur
Groups and Privacy @docs
6 Hits, Last modified:
oup members. Below that is another box containing all of your friends who are //not// members of the gr... ==== By default, Friendica assumes that you want all of your posts to be private. Therefore, when you ... es a group for you that it will automatically add all of your contacts to. All of your posts are restricted to that group by default. Note that this behavi
Where to get started to help improve Friendica @docs
6 Hits, Last modified:
nt skills are required to make good software, not all of them involve coding!** We are looking for helpers in all areas, whether you write text or code, whether yo... `composer.lock` file gets changed # to update all the php dependencies check_run composer.lock ... andards, including PSR-2, and outputs a report of all the standard violations. You can simply install i
Friendica Addon development @docs
5 Hits, Last modified:
== If your addon requires adding a stylesheet on all pages of Friendica, add the following hook: <cod... s ==== If your addon requires adding a script on all pages of Friendica, add the following hook: <cod... = Addons may also act as “modules” and intercept all page requests for a given URL path. In order for ... '. If this function exists, you will now receive all page requests for ''%%<addon>
Search in Friendica @docs
5 Hits, Last modified:
h ===== * Pattern: ''@name'' * Result: Lists all the profiles that match the name. The name can be... h ===== * Pattern: ''!name'' * Result: Lists all the groups that match the name. The name can be u... : (//Depends on the admin setting//) Searches for all the postings that contain ''name'' and lists them... '+(Fediverse Friendica) +Berlin'' will search for all postings on the Friendica node that contain eithe
Twitter API @docs
5 Hits, Last modified:
endica is only unique in each network but not for all networks. The users are searched in the following... age-lists/api-reference/post-lists-members-create_all|POST lists/members/create_all]] * [[ ge-lists/api-reference/post-lists-members-destroy_all|POST lists/members/destroy_all]] * [[https://de
Comment, sort and delete posts @docs
4 Hits, Last modified:
ActivityPub enabled platform will be shared with all your followers in these platforms. * **Quote S... e quoted share, a new posting will be created, so all your followers independent of their used platform... e posting from your network stream to bulk delete all checked postings. ===== Items in the "more" menu... themes use different icons and layouts for these features, but they are present in all themes. </WRAP>
FAQ / Friendica @faq
4 Hits, Last modified:
settings @de:docs
4 Hits, Last modified:
First Steps @docs
4 Hits, Last modified:
Friendica Addons @addons
4 Hits, Last modified:
Friendica Hackathon 2020 @activitys
4 Hits, Last modified:
Friendica Storage Backend Addon development @docs
4 Hits, Last modified:
Configuration Guide for small Nodes @docs
3 Hits, Last modified:
Installing Connectors (Twitter/GNU Social) @docs
3 Hits, Last modified:
Friendica BBCode tags reference @docs
3 Hits, Last modified:
Using SSL with Friendica @docs
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config @docs
3 Hits, Last modified:
Filtering your Network Stream @docs
3 Hits, Last modified:
Account Basics @docs
3 Hits, Last modified:
Two-Factor Authentication @docs
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Creating posts @docs
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FAQ / Wiki @faq
2 Hits, Last modified:
bkil (bkil) - Public Page @user
2 Hits, Last modified:
manda_scott @user
2 Hits, Last modified:
Themes @docs
2 Hits, Last modified:
Making Friends @docs
2 Hits, Last modified:
Friendica Documentation
2 Hits, Last modified:
Autoloader with Composer @docs
2 Hits, Last modified:
faq @de:docs
2 Hits, Last modified:
Database Tables @docs
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DokuWiki @wiki
1 Hits, Last modified:
Rebeka (rebeka) - Public Page @user
1 Hits, Last modified:
Welcome to your new DokuWiki @wiki
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Konfigurationsleitfaden für kleine Instanzen @de:docs
1 Hits, Last modified:
Press Room
1 Hits, Last modified:
move-account @de:docs
1 Hits, Last modified:
User Documentation
1 Hits, Last modified:
Abstracts @docs
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Themes @docs
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Tags and Mentions @docs
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Friendica Templating Documentation @docs
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Remove Account @docs
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How to post to Lemmy from your Friendica account @docs
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Accesskeys reference @docs
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Friendica on GitHub @docs
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GNU Social API @docs
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Events @docs
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Chats @docs
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Connectors @docs
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Data streams & message feeds
1 Hits, Last modified: