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- Friendica Installation @docs
- ment and provide as much detail as possible about any error messages you may see, so that we can preven... ability to debug your PHP installation or acquire any missing modules - but we will do our best to solve any general code issues. If you do not have a Friend... is unstable and may break your Friendica node at any time.** You should have a recent backup before up
- Formatting Syntax @wiki
- rld'..." </code> The same can be done to produce any kind of HTML, it just needs to be added to the [[... to display text exactly like it is typed (without any formatting), enclose the area either with ''%%<no... lighter/|GeSHi]] Generic Syntax Highlighter -- so any language supported by GeSHi is supported. The syn... cho "hello world!"; ?> </file> If you don't want any highlighting but want a downloadable file, specif
- FAQ / Friendica @faq
- er FAQ ===== <accordion> <panel title="Are there any clients for Friendica I can use?">Friendica is us... astodon]] compatible API, which means you can use any Mastodon/Twitter/GNU Social client for your platf... age about this upload. Generally, you can attach any kind of file to a post. This is possible by using... want to share content from Dropbox, Nextcloud or any other [[
- Settings @docs
- e “standalone” and do not wish to be connected to any other Friendica sites. Unauthorised persons will ... th this site. Wildcards are accepted. By default, any (valid) domain may establish friendships with thi... stering here. Wildcards are accepted. By default, any (valid) email address is allowed in registrations... ead the log. You should not place your logs into any directory that is accessible from the web. If you
- Friendica BBCode tags reference @docs
- l <code> [size=20]exact size[/size] (size can be any number, in pixels) </code> or by providing textu... warn your readers, that they should avoid reading any further if they wont get spoiled. In Friendica yo... ou can find my review below. [spoiler=Don't read any further if you don't want to know any details before watching the move]Ok, I told you about the spoile
- Friendica Addon development @docs
- Uninstalling an addon automatically unregisters any hook it registered, but if you need to provide sp... ts for ''%%<addon>%%'' - with any number of URL components as additional arguments.... trying to detect the target network of a URL. If any registered hook function sets the ''%%result%%'' ... when trying to probe an item from a given URI. If any registered hook function sets the ''%%item_id%%''
- Where to get started to help improve Friendica @docs
- ired libraries into the `vendor` folder and makes any namespaced class in `src` available through the w... endica directory. You can browse these files with any browser. If you find missing documentation, don'... xperiences. * Talk to design people if you know any. * Let us know about your plans [[https://forum... atible, - [[api-mastodon|Mastodon]] compatible any client / app that speaks one of the APIs and has
- Connectors @docs
- ng your Identity Address on the ‘Connect’ page of any Friendica member. Or you can put their Identity A... **no** privacy provisions on the OStatus network. Any message which is delivered to **any** OStatus member is visible to anybody in the world and will negate any privacy settings that you have in effect. These m
- Two-Factor Authentication @docs
- ===== ==== Download the Authenticator App ==== Any authenticator app should work with Friendica. Non... iguration. **Note:** If you leave this screen at any point without having submitted a verification cod... === You can disable two-factor authentication at any time by going to your [two-factor authentication ... Frienqa on my Fairphone 2"). You can also revoke any and all app-specific password you generated this
- Friendica on GitHub @docs
- how you can work on the code with us. If you have any questions please write to the Friendica developer... ome important reminders ===== - Please pull in any changes from the project repository and merge the... ng a pull request. We reserve the right to reject any patch which results in a large number of merge co
- Themes @docs
- in /view/templates if you want to override any template within your theme create your version of... n /view/theme/**your-theme-name**/templates any template that exists there will be used instead o... That done, you can select it in the settings like any other activated theme. ===== Creating a Theme fr
- Bugs and Issues @docs
- your server has a support page, you should report any bugs/issues you encounter there first. Reporting ... can about the bug, including the **full** text of any error messages or notices, and any steps required to replicate the problem in as much detail as possib
- Chats @docs
-''). Note: you can use this chat without any login at your site so that everyone could use it.... choose a nickname and a chatroom. You can choose any name you like for the room, even something like %... s also a XMPP/Jabber account and can be used with any XMPP/Jabber client. You can find details about s
- Using Composer @docs
- ibraries into the ''%%vendor%%'' folder and makes any namespaced class in ''%%src%%'' available through... n/composer.phar install </code> And that’s it. If any library used by Friendica has been upgraded, Comp... s required by Friendica. If you don’t need to use any third-party library, then you don’t need to use C
- Autoloader with Composer @docs
- ibraries into the ''%%vendor%%'' folder and makes any namespaced class in ''%%src%%'' available through... n’t have to directly use it, you can directly use any class that is covered by the autoloader (currentl... ong as it is in another namespace, you don’t have any problem) Let’s say now that you need to load som