
You can find the results of your search below.

Themes @docs
31 Hits, Last modified:
itional [[|CSS]] file to override some styling of the default theme val... styling of a theme, have a look at the themes CSS file. In most cases, you can found these in /view... heme-name**/style.css sometimes, there is also a file called style.php in the theme directory. This is ... the settings and aome functions in the theme.php file. The template (theme_settings.tpl) {{include
Friendica Installation @docs
30 Hits, Last modified:
r [[|file an issue]]. Please be as clear as you can about ... icy'' to ''0'' in the ''config/local.config.php'' file //after// the installation wizard has been run. B... rride All]]" so you can use a local ''.htaccess'' file * PHP versions 7.4 to 8.2 are supported * PHP... ith register_argc_argv set to true in the php.ini file * Curl, GD, GMP, PDO, mbstring, MySQLi, xml
Formatting Syntax @wiki
23 Hits, Last modified:
is behavior can be enabled in the [[doku>config]] file. Hint: If DokuWiki is a link, then it's enabled. ... ?php /** * Customization of the english language file * Copy only the strings that needs to be modifie... ats. To mitigate the problem, you can upload your file in different formats for maximum browser compatib... filename as the video and be either a jpg or png file. In the example above a ''video.jpg'' file would
Friendica Addon development @docs
15 Hits, Last modified:
th). ===== Naming ===== Addon names are used in file paths and functions names, and as such: - Can’t c... don in the first multi-line comment of your addon file. Here’s the structure: <code php> /** * Name: ... entation in a ''%%README%%'' or '''' file. The latter will be converted from Markdown to HT... <code> \Friendica\Core\Hook::register($hookname, $file, $function); </code> ''%%$hookname%%'' is a strin
Friendica Storage Backend Addon development @docs
14 Hits, Last modified:
tor in admin page. First, the backend class. The file will be ''%%addon/samplestorage/SampleStorageBack... // we return always the same image data. Which file we load is defined by // a config key return file_get_contents($this->filename); } pub... le text input $this->l10n->t('The file to return'), // the label $file
Friendica Installation @de:docs
14 Hits, Last modified:
the line "Options -Indexes" from the `.htaccess` file if you are using a Windows server as this has been known to cause problems. Also check your file permissions. Your website and all contents must g... your web server configuration. === 400 and 4xx "File not found" errors === First check your file permissions. Your website and all contents must generally
Settings @docs
11 Hits, Last modified:
on of the [[help/Config|config/local.config.php]] file. If you want to use this method, the registration... registrations// to true. Default is false. ==== File upload ==== === File storage backend === Set the backend used by Friendica to store uploaded file data. Two storage backends are avaiable with Frie
How To Move Classes to src @docs
11 Hits, Last modified:
cant number of items to check when moving a class file from the ''%%include%%'' folder to the ''%%src%%'... he namespace ===== To declare the namespace, the file ''%%src/Core/Config.php%%'' must start with the f... %%use%%'' statement at the start of each relevant file. ===== Escape non-namespace classes ===== The class file you just moved is now in the ''%%Friendica%%'' na
Admin Tools @docs
10 Hits, Last modified:
atabase updates docbloxerrorchecker Check the file tree for DocBlox errors extract Generate translation string file for the Friendica project (deprecated) globalcom... movetoavatarcache Move cached avatars to the file based avatar cache mergecontacts Merge ... nt php2po Generate a messages.po file from a strings.php file po2php G
Friendica translations @docs
9 Hits, Last modified:
trings across the project in the authoritative PO file located in ''view/lang/C/messages.po'' - This file makes translations strings available at [[https://... m Transifex ===== Please download the Transifex file "for use" in ''view/lang/<language>/messages.po''... ssages.po'' to update the related ''strings.php'' file and commit both files to your working branch. ==
config @docs
9 Hits, Last modified:
table. Database config values overwrite the same file config values. ## File configuration The configuration format for file configuration is an array returned from a PHP file. This prevents your webserver from displaying your p
Autoloader with Composer @docs
6 Hits, Last modified:
ng ===== The autoloader dynamically includes the file defining a class when it is first referenced, eit... t and includes the corresponding class definition file. For more info about PHP autoloading, please refe... n]]. ==== Example ==== Let’s say you have a PHP file in ''%%src/%%'' that define a very useful class: ... xplicitly include the ''%%src/BaseManager.php%%'' file, the autoloader will when this class is first def
Export / Import of followed Contacts @docs
6 Hits, Last modified:
ts you follow. The exported list is stored as CSV file that is compatible to the format used by other pl... ed Contacts ====== To import contacts from a CSV file, go to the //Settings page//. At the bottom of th... d the //import contacts// section. Upload the CSV file there. ====== Supported File Format ====== The CSV file **must** contain at least one column. In the
FAQ / Friendica @faq
6 Hits, Last modified:
is upload. Generally, you can attach any kind of file to a post. This is possible by using the "paper-c... ther [[|filehoster]]), use the "link"-bu... your browser and operating system. Some supported file types are WebM, MP4, MP3 and OGG. See Wikipedia f... email address in the ''config/local.config.php'' file. The listed emails need to be separated by a comm
Friendica API @docs
5 Hits, Last modified:
bum": "album name", "filename": "original file name", "type": "mime type", "heig... bum>album name</album> <filename>original file name</filename> <type>mime type</type> ... : "album name", "filename": "original file name", "type": "image mime type", ... album="album name" filename="original file name" type="image mime type">
Where to get started to help improve Friendica @docs
4 Hits, Last modified:
First Steps @docs
4 Hits, Last modified:
Friendica BBCode tags reference @docs
3 Hits, Last modified:
Using Composer @docs
3 Hits, Last modified:
addons @de:docs
3 Hits, Last modified:
How to move your account between servers @docs
3 Hits, Last modified:
Updating Friendica @docs
2 Hits, Last modified:
Vagrant for Friendica Developers @docs
2 Hits, Last modified:
Friendica Templating Documentation @docs
2 Hits, Last modified:
Friendica Administration @docs
2 Hits, Last modified:
FAQ / Wiki @faq
1 Hits, Last modified:
Friendica Hackathon 2020 @activitys
1 Hits, Last modified:
faq @de:docs
1 Hits, Last modified:
Account Basics @docs
1 Hits, Last modified:
Friendica Message Flow @docs
1 Hits, Last modified:
Benutzerdokumentation @de
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Creating posts @docs
1 Hits, Last modified:
Using SSL with Friendica @docs
1 Hits, Last modified:
Installing Connectors (Twitter/GNU Social) @docs
1 Hits, Last modified:
User Documentation
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Database Tables @docs
1 Hits, Last modified:
Configuration Guide for small Nodes @docs
1 Hits, Last modified:
Press Room
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