- Forums @docs
- ====== Forums ====== Friendica also lets you create community forums and other types of accounts that can function as discussion forums, celebrity accounts, announcement channels, news... and these must all be unique. This applies to all forums, whether they are normal profiles or forum profi
- forums @de:docs
- t. Das Erste, was Du machen musst, um ein neues Forum zu kreieren, ist einen neuen Account zu erstellen... ften genutzt. Die normalste Einstellung ist das "Forum-/Promi-Konto". Diese erstellt eine Gruppenseite,... verwalten** Wir schlagen vor, dass Du ein Gruppenforum mit der gleichen Email-Adresse und dem gleichen P... test. Du kannst ebenso jemanden wählen, der Dein Forum verwaltet. Mach das, indem Du die [Delegations-S
- FAQ / Friendica @faq
- e> For example the feed of the Friendica Support forum can be found at https://forum.friendi.ca/feed/helpers/posts. The RSS feed of the conversations at your ... page, you can ask the community at the [[https://forum.friendi.ca/profile/helpers|Friendica Support Grou... ng channels to reach out for help: * [[https://forum.friendi.ca/~helpers|Friendica Support Forum]] *
- Tags and Mentions @docs
- oth you and the 3rd person or a conversation in a forum where you are a member of. This is a spam prevent... Friendica makes no distinction between people and forums for the purpose of tagging. You can use @-mentions for forums like for other accounts to tag the forum. If you want to post something exclusively to a forum (e.g. th
- How to post to Lemmy from your Friendica account @docs
- ddit, Lobste.rs, or Hacker News: you subscribe to forums you're interested in, post links and discussions... efediverse|Fediverse]] you can subscribe to Lemmy forums, start new threads in the forums and comment to threads of others. ===== Requirements ===== Some Lemm... llowlisting of servers they federate with. If the forum you want to join is located on an instance that d
- Where to get started to help improve Friendica @docs
- evelopment takes place in the following Friendica forums: * The main [[https://forum.friendi.ca/profile/developers|forum for Friendica development]] ===== Help other users ===== Remember ... find their way around Friendica in the [[https://forum.friendi.ca/prufile/helpers|general support forum]
- faq @de:docs
- ame]/posts Beispiel: Friendica Support https://forum.friendi.ca/feed/helpers/posts #### RSS-Feed all ... omments Beispiel: Friendica Support https://forum.friendi.ca/feeds/helpers/comments #### RSS-Feed ... mmunity in der [Friendica-Support-Gruppe](https://forum.friendi.ca/profile/helpers) fragen oder Dir das [... iven Kanäle Hilfe suchen: * [Friendica Support Forum](https://forum.friendi.ca/~helpers) * [Mailing
- Data streams & message feeds
- > * Follow our status updates at * Support Forum: https://forum.friendi.ca/profile/helpers * Mirror of the friendi.ca blog https://forum.friendi.ca/profile/news * Support Forum for node admins https://forum.friendi.ca/profile/admins
- Our Feeds
- from the Blog * Latest entries in the [[https://forum.friendi.ca/feed/helpers|Helpers Forum]] * Latest entries in the [[https://forum.friendi.ca/feed/developers|Developers Forum]] ===== Contact us at ===== * WEB: https://friendi.ca
- Press Room
- -Vertriebener]] by Stefan Münz (DE) * [[https://forum.friendi.ca/display/0b6b25a8-185c-8e2b-08c0-132751... * [[https://homehack.nl/floss-tools-to-create-a-forum-or-community/|FLOSS tools to create a forum or community]] by eribuijs * [[https://anoxinon.media/blog... off ===== 2017 ===== * [[https://www.heise.de/forum/Telepolis/Kommentare/Nach-dem-NetzDG/Besseres-als
- home @docs
- d Mentions](help/Tags-and-Mentions) * [Community Forums](help/Forums) * [Chats](help/Chats) * Further information * [Move your account](help/Move-Account) *... .ca) * Ways to get Support * [Friendica Support Forum](https://forum.friendi.ca/~helpers) * [Mailing List Archive](http://mailman.friendi.ca/mailman/listinf
- Making Friends @docs
- of Friendica. You will also see a “Show Community Forums” link, which will direct you to Groups, Forums and Fanpages. You connect to people, groups and forums in the same way, except groups and forums will automatically accept your introduction request, whereas
- Friendica Installation @docs
- ation issues, please let us know via the [[http://forum.friendi.ca/profile/helpers|helper]] or the [[https://forum.friendi.ca/profile/developers|developer]] forum or [[https://github.com/friendica/friendica/issues|file ... al/servers|one of the open servers]] and join the forums mentioned above from there. The account will exp
- DokuWiki @wiki
- mailinglist|Join the mailing list]] * [[https://forum.dokuwiki.org|Check out the user forum]] * [[doku>irc|Talk to other users in the IRC channel]] * [[ht... port -- use the [[doku>mailinglist]] or [[https://forum.dokuwiki.org|forum]] instead)) and the DokuWiki Community The DokuWiki engine is licensed under [[https
- home @de:docs
- help/Tags-and-Mentions) * [Community-Foren](help/Forums) * [Chats](help/Chats) * Weiterführende Informa... -wiki.de) * Support Kanäle * [Friendica Support Forum](https://forum.friendi.ca/~helpers) * [Mailing Listen Archiv](http://mailman.friendi.ca/mailman/listin... ubscribe`` senden * XMPP/Jabber MUC: support(at)forum.friendi.ca * IRC: #friendica auf irc.freenode.n