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Friendica Installation
6 Hits, Last modified:
atic installation. But be aware that Friendica is more than a simple web application. It is a complex communications system which more closely resembles an email server than a web serv... e down. This kind of functionality requires a bit more of the host system than the typical blog. Not ev... are prioritized over environment variables. For more information during the installation, you can use
Filtering your Network Stream
5 Hits, Last modified:
rules of the //advanced content filter// are much more complex then the simple //content filter// "rules", but they also allow more powerful conditions that will trigger the filteri... acebook/s /"%%'' - Collapse posts that contains more than 1 image ''%%body matches "/(?:(?:(?:\\[url(?... r_link && causer_link == '<profile_url>''' For a more detailed documentation of the addons functionalit
Configuration Guide for small Nodes
2 Hits, Last modified:
e will fill up the reserved space before claiming more). === Relays === Relay server are great to get ... ache, so when things in the database are deleted, more space is freed. ===== User settings ===== In ad