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- Friendica Addon development @docs
- equests (by URL path). ===== Naming ===== Addon names are used in file paths and functions names, and as such: - Can’t contain spaces or punctuation. - Can’... n file. Here’s the structure: <code php> /** * Name: {Human-readable name} * Description: {Short description} * Version: 1.0 * Author: {Author1 Name} *
- Friendica API @docs
- === * ''user_id'': id of the user * ''screen_name'': screen name (for technical reasons, this value is not unique!) * ''text'': The message * ''reply... the user === Return values=== Array of: * ''name'': name of the group * ''gid'': id of the group * ''user'': array of [Contacts](help/API-Entities#C
- How To Move Classes to src @docs
- his page is there to list them. ===== Decide the namespace ===== This isn’t the most technical decisio... t has long lasting consequences as it will be the name that will be used to refer to this class from now... ica_classes|a shared Ethercalc sheet]] to suggest namespace/class names that lists all the already moved class files for inspiration. A few pointers though:
- Autoloader with Composer @docs
- s and the class autoloader both for libraries and namespaced Friendica classes. It’s a command-line too... ries into the ''%%vendor%%'' folder and makes any namespaced class in ''%%src%%'' available through the ... l_autoload_register()%%'']] that receives a class name as an argument and includes the corresponding cla... class: <code php> // src/ItemsManager.php <?php namespace Friendica; class ItemsManager { public
- faq @de:docs
- h tun?](help/FAQ#dbupdate)** Nutzer -------- <a name="ssl"></a> ### Warum erhalte ich Warnungen über f... s eigenes Angebot bzw. von anderen Anbietern. <a name="upload"></a> ### Wie kann ich Bilder, Dateien, L... fach per [url=]<i>freigewählter Name</i>[/url] im Editor. Video- und Audiodateien kön... Xmedia-Recode]( <a name="avatars"></a> ### Ist es möglich, bei mehreren P
- Themes @docs
- can found these in /view/theme/**your-theme-name**/style.css sometimes, there is also a file call... of the template in /view/theme/**your-theme-name**/templates any template that exists there will ... written by files in /view/theme/**your-theme-name**/js. ===== Expand an existing Theme ===== ===... for *duepunto zero*. The same (well almost, some names change) procedure applies to the *vier* theme. A
- Settings @docs
- anner. The default logo is the Friendica logo and name. You may wish to provide HTML/CSS to style and/or... /open// or //requires approval//. === Check Full Names === You may find a lot of spammers trying to re... nce these registrations were automatic, the “Full Name” field was often set to just an account name with no space between first and last name. If you would li
- Friendica Templating Documentation @docs
- efault templates by putting a files with the same name into the <code> /view/themes/$themename/temp... l’] variable. Listed below are the template file names, the general purpose of the template and their f... checked its value is **1**. Field parameter: - Name of the checkbox, - Label for the checkbox, - ... and a textual input field. Field parameter: - Name of the combobox, - Label for the combobox, -
- Friendica API entities @docs
- teger | No | | ''id_str'' | String | No | | ''name'' | String | No | | ''screen_name'' | String | No | | ''location'' | String | No | | ''descriptio... ''uri'' | String | Item unique URI string | | ''name'' | String (Plaintext) | Title | | ''desc'' | St... id_str'' | String | No | | ''in_reply_to_screen_name'' | String | No | | ''geo'' | String | Yes |
- addons @de:docs
- en (durch den URL-Pfad) abgefangen werden. Addon-Namen können keine Leerstellen oder andere Interpunkti... Funktionsnamen genutzt. Du kannst einen lesbaren Namen im Kommentarblock eintragen. Jedes Addon muss be... d eine Deinstallationsfunktion, die auf dem Addon-Namen basieren; z.B. "addon1name_install()". Diese beiden Funktionen haben keine Argumente und sind dafür ve
- Friendica Storage Backend Addon development @docs
- ust live in ''%%Friendica\Addon\youraddonname%%'' namespace, where ''%%youraddonname%%'' the folder name of your addon. There are two different interfaces yo... in the interface must be implemented: <code php> namespace Friendica\Core\Storage\Capability\ICanWriteT... in the interface must be implemented: <code php> namespace Friendica\Core\Storage\Capability\ICanConfig
- Search in Friendica @docs
- und. ===== Account Search ===== * Pattern: ''@name'' * Result: Lists all the profiles that match the name. The name can be used in the //display name// field of the profile or the //nick name// and it may only be a part
- Twitter API @docs
- ===== Different behaviour ===== * ''%%screen_name%%'': The nick name in Friendica is only unique in each network but not for all networks. The users are ... * Unsupported parameters: * ''%%screen_name%%'' * ''%%include_entities%%'' * [[https... rned for other users than self * ''%%screen_name%%'': Favorites aren’t returned for other users th
- Friendica Installation @docs
- . ===== Prerequisites ===== * Choose a domain name or subdomain name for your server. Put some thought into this. While changing it after installation is ... s details (hostname, username, password, database name). Friendica needs the permission to create and d... ection to the database, you can do so in the host name setting for the database. If the manual installa
- Formatting Syntax @wiki
- l characters are not allowed. You can use [[some:namespaces]] by using a colon in the pagename. You can use [[some:namespaces]] by using a colon in the pagename. For details about namespaces see [[doku>namespaces]]. Linking to a specific section is possible, too. Just add the section na