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- Friendica Installation @docs
- iendica account yet, you can register a temporary one at [[|one of the open servers]] and join the forums mentioned abov... t addresses under the /.well-known/ rewrite path. One critical URL would look like, for example: https:... server, run “crontab -e” and add a line like the one shown, substituting for your unique paths and set
- Friendica Addon development @docs
- k callback functions will be called with at least one and possibly two arguments <code> function <addo... * **string**: The label to replace the default one. * **associative array**: A list of submit bu... submit button in this list is considered the main one and themes might emphasize its display. === Exam... * **string**: The label to replace the default one. * **associative array**: A list of submit
- FAQ / Friendica @faq
- wever, instead of a direct upload you have to use one of the following methods: - Add the video or a... ant to share your public page via rss you can use one of the following links: The RSS feed of your pos... up another account on Friendica, you can also use one of the following channels to reach out for help: ... ere.</panel> <panel title="Can there be more then one admin for a node?">Yes. You just have to list mor
- Themes @docs
- exists there will be used instead of the default one. ===== Javascript ===== The same rule applies t... Many themes are more *theme families* than only one theme. *duepunto zero* and *vier* allow easily to... { return; } // if the one specific submit button was pressed then proceed ... to add something to the HTML header of the theme, one way to do so is by adding it to the theme.php fil
- Two-Factor Authentication @docs
- configured using a mobile app. Then a Time-based One-Time Password (TOTP) application can be used, tha...|andOTP]] ==== Record your One-Use Recovery Codes ==== From your two-factor aut... ntication". You will be presented with a list of one-use recovery codes. Please save those in the same... ain using the process above. ===== Managing your One-Time Recovery Codes ===== When two-factor authe
- Formatting Syntax @wiki
- ink points to google]]. Email addresses like this one: <> are recognized, too. Do... k points to google]]. Email addresses like this one: <> are recognized, too. ====... ll automatically add them as alternatives so that one of the three files is understood by your browser.... s) by adding ''%%:::%%'' into the cells below the one to which they should connect. ^ Heading 1 ^
- Friendica Addons @addons
- or a new user or contact this addon will look for one at Gravatar. * [[ or a new user or contact this addon will look for one at Libravatar. Please disable Gravatar addon if you use this one. (requires PHP >= 5.3) * [[https://git.friendi
- Account Delegation @docs
- sons it may be desire-able to have more then just one account. For instance to give each account differ... of the account management. You see five accounts, one can easily switch among. You find this overview p... cessfully you need to delegate the account to the one that should integrate it. This has to be done in
- Friendica BBCode tags reference @docs
- the given term)) | ''%%#Friendica%%'' | | Mention one of your contacts or a participant in the current ... e displayed inline. However if you put more then one line of code in the ''[code]'' tag, it will be vi... ts while the other networks will show the default one. Meanwhile, Friendica wont show any of the abstra
- config @docs
- ention:** Please be warned that you shouldn't use one of these values without the knowledge what it cou... h the email address used for the account with the one you enter to the `config/local.config.php` file. If more then one account should be able to access the admin panel,
- Where to get started to help improve Friendica @docs
- it-Hooks|git-hook]] with a script similar to this one: #!/usr/bin/env bash # MIT © Sindre Sorh... ommit. For documentation we use the standard of *one sentence per line* for the `md` files in the `/do... stodon]] compatible any client / app that speaks one of the APIs and has a configurable base path/URL
- Events @docs
- view the event at the source link, if you are the one who created the event. ===== Create a new Event ===== Following one of the methods mentioned above you reach a form t... g date/time for the event here When you click in one of these fields a pop-up will be opened that allo
- Filtering your Network Stream @docs
- docs:channel|channels]] for selecting the content one wants to be shown. ===== Filter Addons ===== ==... tings in the network stream. If the text includes one of the words, the posting will be collapsed and t... ed content. A post will be collapsed if at least one rule matches, but all matching rule names will be
- Settings @docs
- me. If you would like to support people with only one name as their full name, you may change this sett... , ], </code> ===== Admin users ===== You can set one, or more, accounts to be //Admin//. By default this will be the one account you create during the installation proces
- Creating posts @docs
- the different ways to create and edit your post. One click on the Pencil & Paper icon in the top right... cking on "Set title". Posts can optionally be in one or more categories. Write category names separate... ill see the post. If you want to hide the post to one contact of a group selected for "show", click "do