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- Friendica Installation @docs
- l be able to support Friendica. Many will. But **please** review the [[#Requirements|requirements]] and c... port ===== If you encounter installation issues, please let us know via the [[ .com/friendica/friendica/issues|file an issue]]. Please be as clear as you can about your operating envir... t backup before updating. If you encounter a bug, please let us know. ==== Create a database ==== Create
- Account Basics @docs
- ems already filled in. ==== Your Full Name ==== Please provide your full name **as you would like it to ... tion to do so yourself. ==== Email Address ==== Please provide a valid email address. Your email address... sent to you providing your account login details. Please check your email (including spam folders) for you... rd. ===== Login Page ===== On the ‘Login’ page, please enter your login information that was provided du
- Friendica Addon development @docs
- ====== Friendica Addon development ====== Please see the sample addon ‘randplace’ for a working example o... of the information to be stored in the database. Please note: body contents are bbcode - not HTML. ==== ... ation which has just been stored in the database. Please note: body contents are bbcode - not HTML ==== p... allbacks with file locations (as of 24-Sep-2018). Please see the source for details of any hooks not docum
- How to improve the performance of a Friendica site @docs
- any other way. ===== System configuration ===== Please go to /admin/site/ on your system and change the ... _expires” by typing in “a2enmod expires” as root. Please add the following lines to your site configuratio... ges named “php5-cgi” and “libapache2-mod-fcgid”. Please refer to external documentation for a more detail... and give hints on values that could be changed. Please enable the slow query log. This helps to find per
- Settings @docs
- you contact the developers with a bug or problem, please also mention the version of your node. The admin... aiable from third-party addons. If you use those, please refer to the documentation of those addons for fu... ''%%.out%%''. Should you use another web server, please make sure that you have the correct access rules ... reported at these levels are completely harmless. Please report to the developers any errors you encounter
- FAQ / Friendica @faq
- min(s) of the affected friendica server. (Admins, please see the respective [[docs:ssl|section of the admi... ve created your own theme and want to promote it, please feel free to contact us! Older themes that are no... tructure seems not to be updated. What can I do?">Please have a look at the Admin panel under [DB updates]... cture update </code> if there occur any errors, please contact the [support forum]([[https://forum.frien
- Where to get started to help improve Friendica @docs
- to work with us on enhancing the user interface, please join the [[ ven-Design](help/Developer-Domain-Driven-Design), please make sure to check out the provided links for hin... the bug can be closed. * Fix a bug if you can. Please make the pull request against the *develop* branc
- Friendica on GitHub @docs
- rk on the code with us. If you have any questions please write to the Friendica developers’ forum. ===== ... intended for the version after this release**. So please don’t ever merge develop into a release! An examp... ranch. ===== Some important reminders ===== - Please pull in any changes from the project repository a
- Friendica translations @docs
- our interest in improving Friendicas translation! Please register a free Transifex account and ask over at... ded new translation strings in your code changes, please run ''bin/'' from the base Friendi... ===== Update translations from Transifex ===== Please download the Transifex file "for use" in ''view/l
- Data streams & message feeds
- u will receive an email with a confirmation link. Please click on the link to confirm your subscription." Fieldset "Please send the subscription to this address:" subject "
- Friendica Administration @docs
- ion about the installation and updating process, please have a look at the dedicated pages: [[docs:instal... pt-in to update the code and encounter problems //please make the developers aware of the bug so they can
- Autoloader with Composer @docs
- nition file. For more info about PHP autoloading, please refer to the [[ espace Friendica\Network; class Dfrn { } </code> Please note that the location of the file defining the c
- Friendica BBCode tags reference @docs
- <code> [abstract]Totally interesting! A must-see! Please click the link![/abstract] I want to tell you a r... lay the text > Totally interesting! A must-see! Please click the link! On Friendica you would only see
- How to Create a Bot @docs
- ating a bot pushing the content of somebody else, please ensure that you are allowed to use their content. Also please make it clear in the bots profile description and
- Connectors @docs
- the “federated social web” or OStatus contacts. Please note that there are **no** privacy provisions on ... e URL into the Connect box on your Contacts page. Please note that you will not be able to reply to these