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Settings @docs
10 Hits, Last modified:
this site to be listed in the site directory and there is no option provided to the user to change it. D... the development version should be checked out. If there is a new version published, you will get notified... istrations will be listed at the top of the page. There the admin can then approve or disapprove the requ... may have to be reloaded. To simplify this process there is a button at the top of the page to reload all
How To Move Classes to src @docs
7 Hits, Last modified:
the presence of a ''%%require%%'' call. However, there are a significant number of items to check when m... older to the ''%%src%%'' folder, and this page is there to list them. ===== Decide the namespace ===== ... will be used to refer to this class from now on. There is [[|a sh... al space where non-namespaced classes are set. If there are only a handful of references to a single non-
Friendica Installation @docs
7 Hits, Last modified:
ervers]] and join the forums mentioned above from there. The account will expire after 7 days, but you ca... php> </code> === B.2: Environment variables === There are two types of environment variables. * thos... irectory, however this is not always possible. If there is any /.well-known/.htaccess file, it could inte... and do most of the server wide configuration from there. === worker alternative: daemon === Otherwise,
Using SSL with Friendica @docs
6 Hits, Last modified:
en servers and between yourself and your server. There are basically two sorts of SSL certificates: Self... hnically, both provide the same valid encryption. There is a problem with self-signed certificates though... r a limited period of time (e.g. a year or two). There are ways to get a trusted certificate for free. ... r. They have instructions for you on how to do it there. You can always order a paid certificate with you
Themes @docs
6 Hits, Last modified:
dica/src/branch/stable/view/theme/frio|frio]] but there are numerous others. Have a look at [[https://git... s created. In case none of them suits your needs, there are several ways to change a theme. **So, how to... w/theme/**your-theme-name**/style.css sometimes, there is also a file called style.php in the theme dire... -theme-name**/templates any template that exists there will be used instead of the default one. ===== J
The Fediverse @docs
5 Hits, Last modified:
ederated nations, and Universe. It indicates that there is no single entity controlling the whole network. There are lots of diverse places like planets in a univ... fediverse project” ===== - It is distributed. There is not ONE single provider. There are many providers - some small, some huge. - Users can interact wit
FAQ / Friendica @faq
5 Hits, Last modified:
=== User FAQ ===== <accordion> <panel title="Are there any clients for Friendica I can use?">Friendica i... a/friendica|]]. There you will always find the current stable version o... fig/local.config.php'' and fix your email address there.</panel> <panel title="Can there be more then one admin for a node?">Yes. You just have to list more the
Imprint and data protection
3 Hits, Last modified:
= Friendica is run by many volunteers worldwide, there is not legal entity that runs the service, suppli...|]]. Please head over there and also use the contact form over there in case of technical questions about this wiki.
Friendica Addons @addons
3 Hits, Last modified:
to publish your postings //on your old// account there as well. Users from these networks can connect wi... avatar|Link to the sources]] === gravatar === If there is no avatar image for a new user or contact this... atar|Link to the sources]] === libravatar === If there is no avatar image for a new user or contact this
Friendica Storage Backend Addon development @docs
3 Hits, Last modified:
youraddonname%%'' the folder name of your addon. There are two different interfaces you need to implemen... rage); } </code> ===== Exception handling ===== There are two intended types of exceptions for storages... ected errors happen using the storage backend. If there’s a predecessor to this exception (e.g. you caugh
Bugs and Issues @docs
3 Hits, Last modified:
, you should report any bugs/issues you encounter there first. Reporting to your support page before repo... friendica support forum]] and report your problem there. Bugs are rarely limited to one person, and the c... es with addons. Please perform a search to see if there's already an open bug that matches yours before s
Events @docs
3 Hits, Last modified:
can be found at ''/events'' on your node. To get there go to your wall and follow the tab "events" Depending on the theme you are using, there might be an additional link from the navigation m... ox will be opened which shows you the event. From there you can edit the event or view the event at the s
Groups and Privacy @docs
3 Hits, Last modified:
taining only to members of that group. But wait, there’s more… If you look carefully when visiting a gr... s on your Settings page. You also have the option there to change which groups you post to by default, or... h privacy as it relates to people on other sites. There are things you should be aware of, so you can dec
Friendica Message Flow @docs
3 Hits, Last modified:
m one person to another in the Friendica network. There are multiple paths, using multiple protocols and ... ersation members so no private transport is used. There are two paths it can take - as a bbcode path to D... when using the default Google reference hub). If there is no specified hub or hubs, DFRN clients will po
Creating posts @docs
3 Hits, Last modified:
ite your new post. You can simply enter your text there and click the "Share" button, and your new post w... at you can do. The icons under the text area are there to help you to write posts quickly, but vary depe... Control Selector*" or "*ACL Selector*") pops up. There you can select who can see the post. <figure> <i
FAQ / Wiki @faq
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Formatting Syntax @wiki
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Friendica API authentication @docs
2 Hits, Last modified:
How to Create a Bot @docs
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Connectors @docs
2 Hits, Last modified:
Where to get started to help improve Friendica @docs
2 Hits, Last modified:
Forums @docs
2 Hits, Last modified:
Friendica on GitHub @docs
2 Hits, Last modified:
Installing Connectors (Twitter/GNU Social) @docs
2 Hits, Last modified:
Updating Friendica @docs
2 Hits, Last modified:
Friendica Installation @de:docs
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Friendica Hackathon 2020 @activitys
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Accesskeys reference @docs
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Account Basics @docs
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Friendica Administration @docs
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Friendica API @docs
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Mastodon API @docs
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Chats @docs
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Using Composer @docs
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config @docs
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Developer Documentation @docs
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Export / Import of followed Contacts @docs
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Making Friends @docs
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How to move your account between servers @docs
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Remove Account @docs
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Friendica Templating Documentation @docs
1 Hits, Last modified:
Tags and Mentions @docs
1 Hits, Last modified:
Comment, sort and delete posts @docs
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Tobias Diekershoff (tobiasd) - Public Page @user
1 Hits, Last modified: