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FAQ / Friendica
16 Hits, Last modified:
endica: ===== User FAQ ===== <accordion> <panel title="Are there any clients for Friendica I can use?">... /nolanlawson/pinafore|Pinafore]] </panel> <panel title="Why do I get warnings about SSL certificates?">S... l|section of the admin manual]].)</panel> <panel title="How can I upload images, files, links, videos an...|audio]].</panel> <panel title="How can I view Friendica in a certain language?"
FAQ / Wiki
5 Hits, Last modified:
for the Wiki, Friendica, ...: <accordion> <panel title="Wiki Localize"> The localisation of DokuWiki (DW... guageswitch/ and change it to EN. </panel> <panel title="Where to put new Content"> Use the overview page... ny language you know in addition. </panel> <panel title="Wiki Editing"> After register, you can see aroun... </panel> <panel title="Wiki Namespaces"> A Namespace is similary like a