der a minute. Again, this applies to Friendica networks. Once a message spreads to other networks, it may not be removed quickly and in some cases it may not be... rivacy-aware network. Many of the other social networks Friendica can connect to have no privacy controls... ve a mechanism to do so. Your friends on other networks will be blocked from viewing these private photos
[|The social ad-networks, the Fediverse, and my Live is back]] by Tio
*... /01/1746-deletefacebook-and-alternative-social-networks|#DeleteFacebook and alternative Social Networks]] by ij
* [[
ant to spread your post to several third party networks you may have the problem that these networks have a length limitation like on Twitter.
Friendica uses a... even possible to define abstracts for separate networks:
[abstract]Hi friends Here are my newest ... tem will use the defined abstracts.
For other networks (e.g. when you are using the "statusnet" connecto
e widest compatibility with browsers and other networks we do not recommend using self-signed certificate... emes =====
The Themes section of the admin panel works similar to the Addons section but let you control... s are not complete and only contain nodes from networks Friendica federates directly with.
===== Delete ... ing so, as this will break federation to other networks (e.g. Diaspora, GNU Social, Hubzilla) Say you hav
age is posted, all immediate deliveries to all networks are made using include/notifier.php, which choose... all hub subscribers (which may be on different networks).
==== Scenario #3. Mary replies to Bob’s public... all hub subscribers (which may be on different networks).
==== Scenario #4. William replies to Bob’s pub... all hub subscribers (which may be on different networks).
==== Scenario #5. Bob posts a private message
===== Connect to users of alternate networks =====
==== Across the Federation and Fedivese ==... to your Contact page and become friends across networks. Likwise you can put in the URL to Alice’s gnusoc... rk with the identity address.
People on these networks can also initiate contact with you, if they know ... dship is complete.
===== Approval =====
Some networks allow people to send you messages without being f
tors allow you to connect with external social networks and services. They are only required for posting ... account:
* Twitter: User Settings -> Social Networks -> Twitter
* GNU Social: User Settings -> Social Networks -> GNU Socia
* Email: User Settings -> Social Networks -> Email/Mailbox Setup
====== Instructions For C
===== What are Fediverse Projects and Networks =====
There are many fediverse social networks with different taste and goals.
* **Discussion**: Fri|Advanced Sharer for diaspora*]] (works with Friendica since version 3.3.3)
* [[https:/...|Firefox share button support for Diaspora]] (Works with Friendica since 3.3.3)
d, because it is referenced as a parent class. It works with the “BaseManager” example here and it works when we need to call static methods:
<code php>
// src
url => the query string
==== jot_networks ====
Called when displaying the post permission ... ule.'_post_'.$selname, $o);
Hook::callAll('jot_networks', $jotnets);
==== src/Core/Authentication
the case of Twitter (and other length limited networks to which Friendica exports your postings via the ... ou'll find the setting at **Settings -> Social Networks -> General Social Media Settings -> Enable Conten