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- Account Delegation @docs
- lect a main account. To do so, you need to verify yourself using the main accounts password. {{de:docs:acco
- Account Basics @docs
- for this, but you’re under no obligation to do so yourself. ==== Email Address ==== Please provide a valid
- Friendica BBCode tags reference @docs
- t want to spoil too much you should go see it for yourself. For those not caring about spoilers, you can fin
- Where to get started to help improve Friendica @docs
- point to start with. But you don't have to limit yourself to those issues. ==== Web interface ==== The th
- First Steps @docs
- Service// that apply for your Friendica instance yourself, formatting the text using BBCode. In addition yo
- Friendica Installation @docs
- n of your Friendica node is done, you should make yourself a backup plan. The most important file is the ''
- How to move your account between servers @docs
- It also contains your secret keys to authenticate yourself to your contacts. * Go to your new server, and
- Settings @docs
- ry. If this number goes sky-rocking you might ask yourself which recipient is not receiving. Behind the ins
- Friendica Templating Documentation @docs
- ox (see above) but you have to prepare the values yourself. Field parameter: - Name of the field, - Lab
- Using SSL with Friendica @docs
- encrypt communication between servers and between yourself and your server. There are basically two sorts o
- Comment, sort and delete posts @docs
- //star// you can mark an interesting posting for yourself. The original author of the posting or other peop
- AaronSwift1 (aaronswift1) - Public Page @user
- it it** (or a superuser)... * You can introduce yourself, add links to your contributions in this wiki, te
- Adam Ruiz (adamtbn1580543) - Public Page @user
- it it** (or a superuser)... * You can introduce yourself, add links to your contributions in this wiki, te
- Andreas Kilgus (aki42) - Public Page @user
- it it** (or a superuser)... * You can introduce yourself, add links to your contributions in this wiki, te
- AL-ZAHOOR-MEDIA-FOUDATION (al-zahoor-media-foudation) - Public Page @user
- it it** (or a superuser)... * You can introduce yourself, add links to your contributions in this wiki, te