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imprint [2020-09-27 18:20] – impressum renamed to imprint (Correction) Admin Istratorimprint [2021-09-09 10:35] (current) Tobias
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 Friendica is run by many volunteers worldwide, there is not legal entity that runs the service, supplies the software, however, the imprint applied to wiki.friendi.ca is the same as on [[https://blog.utzer.de/kontakt/|utzer.de]].  Friendica is run by many volunteers worldwide, there is not legal entity that runs the service, supplies the software, however, the imprint applied to wiki.friendi.ca is the same as on [[https://blog.utzer.de/kontakt/|utzer.de]]. 
 Please head over there and also use the contact form over there in case of technical questions about this wiki.  Please head over there and also use the contact form over there in case of technical questions about this wiki. 
  • Last modified: 2020-09-27 18:20