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- Friendica Addon development @docs
- t. Future extensions may provide for “setup” amd “remove”. ===== PHP addon hooks ===== Register your add... e page. The registered function can add,change or remove variables passed to template. ''%%$b%%'' is an ar... assed. The registered function can add, change or remove the ''%%acl_lookup()%%'' variables. * **result... callAll('register_account', $uid); Hook::callAll('remove_user', $user); </code> ==== src/Module/Notificati
- Friendica API @docs
- = POST api/friendica/activity/[verb] ==== Add or remove an activity from an item. ‘verb’ can be one of: ... * ''%%attendno%%'' * ''%%attendmaybe%%'' To remove an activity, prepend the verb with “un”, eg. “unl... ttendyes” was added to an item, adding “attendno” remove previous “attendyes”. Attend verbs should be used... l members of the group to the call; function will remove members not posted). === Parameters=== * ''gi
- Twitter API @docs
- anage-account-settings/api-reference/post-account-remove_profile_banner|POST account/remove_profile_banner]] * [[ collection/api-reference/post-collections-entries-remove|POST collections/entries/remove]] * [[
- Friendica Installation @docs
- with Friendica. The preferred configuration is to remove the directory, however this is not always possibl... with this Friendica core requirement. You should remove any RewriteRules from that file, or remove that whole file if appropriate. It may be necessary to chmod t... pache. Examine your apache server logs. You might remove the line "Options -Indexes" from the `.htaccess`
- FAQ / Friendica @faq
- ends will still be visible in your stream. If you remove a contact completely, they can send you another f... "What happens when an account is removed?">If you remove your account, it will be scheduled for permanent ... val requests to all your contacts; this will also remove your profile from the global directory if you are
- Account Basics @docs
- |Groups and Privacy]] * [[:docs:Move-Account|Move Account]] * [[:docs:Remove-Account|Remove Account]]
- How To Move Classes to src @docs
- if (DBM::is_result($r)) { ... } </code> ===== Remove any useless require ===== Now that you successfu... this file anywhere in the app ever again. Please remove all the ''%%require_once%%'' mentions of the form
- Remove Account @docs
- ====== Remove Account ====== We don't like to see people leave Friendica, but if you need to remove your account, you should visit the URL %%http://
- Translations
- ype="tip" icon="true"> When translating subpages, remove the leading colon ':' from existing links, so tha
- Friendica Addons @addons
- leistungsschutzrecht === Only useful in germany: Remove data from snippets from members of the VG Media
- Accesskeys reference @docs
- l - Addons * d - Delegations * b - Connected apps * e - Export personal data * r - Remove account
- Mastodon API @docs
- don/mastodon/pull/16864|POST /api/v1/accounts/:id/remove_from_followers]] * [[
- Forums @docs
- unt settings, such as passwords or page types, or remove the account. Additionally, this page is also whe
- home @docs
- rt-Import-Contacts) * [Delete your account](help/Remove-Account) * [Frequently asked questions (FAQ)](he
- How to move your account between servers @docs
- form them about your move. You should ask them to remove your contact from their lists and re-add you, and