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- Twitter API @docs
-|GET api/account/verify_credentials]] * Unsupported parameter: * ''%%include_...
- Account Delegation @docs
- ====== Account Delegation ====== For various reasons it may be desire-able to have more then just one account. For instance to give each account different topics, to manage a forum account or a [[bot|bot]] that imports external RSS feeds. Account del
- Forums @docs
- s can be delegated to other accounts, or a parent account can be designated to easily toggle multiple ident... = Managing Accounts ===== To create a new linked account that can be used as a forum, log in to your normal account and go to Settings -> Manage Accounts. Here you c... new nicknames that will be linked to your primary account. You may appoint a delegate to manage your new a
- Account Basics @docs
- ====== Account Basics ====== ===== Registration ===== Not all Friendica sites allow open registration. If... ID, leave this field blank. If you have an OpenID account elsewhere and wish to use it, enter the address i... is **never** published. We need this to send you account information and your login details. You may also ... tem. This is used in many places to identify your account, and once set it cannot be changed. ==== Directo
- account_delegation @de:docs
- e eigenständige Accounts können unter einem Haupt-Account zusammengefasst und zentral verwaltet werden. ==... xterne Quellen ins Fediverse zu publizieren. Die Account Delegation erleichtert dabei das Handling dieser ... ichen Accounts. Hierdurch wird es möglich, einen Account an einen Haupt-Account zu binden und von diesem aus eine ganze Reihe Accounts zu steuern. Insbesondere ent
- account-basics @de:docs
- Account - Basics ============== * [Zur Startseite der Hilfe](help) ## Registrierung Viele, aber nicht a... ls** veröffentlicht. Wir benötigen diese, um Dir Account-Informationen, das Initialpasswort und die Login-... itzname wird an vielen Stellen genutzt, um Deinen Account zu identifizieren, daher ist es nicht möglich ihn... u wählst, kann jederzeit nach dem Login in Deinen Account-Einstellungen geändert werden. ### Registrierun
- Installing Connectors (Twitter/GNU Social) @docs
- re is also a addon to post through to an existing account on a GNU Social service. You only need this to post to an already existing GNU Social account, but not to communicate with GNU Social members in general. All three addons require an account on the target network. In addition you (or typica... en the services, but they all require an existing account on the target service. Once installed, these API
- forums @de:docs
- , um ein neues Forum zu kreieren, ist einen neuen Account zu erstellen. Bitte beachte, dass der Seitenadmi... Bedingungen knüpfen kann. Wenn Du einen zweiten Account in einem System erstellst und die gleiche Email-Adresse oder den gleichen OpenID-Account nutzt, kannst Du Dich zukünftig nur noch mit Deinem Spitznamen anmelden. Gehe im neuen Account auf die "Einstellungs"-Seite und dort am Ende der
- Friendica API authentication @docs
- HTTP Basic is easy to use, but it requires your account password, so it grants complete access to your account. OAuth is significantly more involved, but has the... that you wouldn't want to trust with your entire account. ===== HTTP Basic ===== Hopefully any existing ... specific password, they can use it to access your account. It is at least a randomly-generated password tha
- How to move your account between servers @docs
- ====== How to move your account between servers ====== <WRAP center round important 60%> This is an experi... s” -> “Export personal data” * Click on “Export account” to save your account data. * **Save the file in a secure place!** It contains your details, your contac... ts with an uploaded file. * Do NOT create a new account prior to importing your old settings - uimport sh
- Friendica Installation @docs
- eral code issues. If you do not have a Friendica account yet, you can register a temporary one at [[https:... d join the forums mentioned above from there. The account will expire after 7 days, but you can ask the server admin to keep your account longer, should the problem not be resolved after ... it your website again, and register your personal account. Registration errors should all be recoverable au
- Settings @docs
- odes: * **open**: Everybody can register a new account and start using it right away. * **requires approval**: Everybody can register a new account, but the admin has to approve it before it can be... c, the “Full Name” field was often set to just an account name with no space between first and last name. I... date of last login, date of last posting and the account type. Here the admin can also block/unblock users
- Two-Factor Authentication @docs
- ce camera. This will automatically configure your account on the app. - Click/tap on the provided '' totp... pp should be called with this URL and set up your account - Enter your account settings manually. Friendica is using default settings for token type, code digit c... wo-factor authentication won't be enabled on your account. To complete the configuration, just come back to
- User Documentation @docs
- n|Setting up TOTP/2FA security for your Friendica account]] * [[Bot|Bot - How to create a bot to publish ... ler - Publish Content on a selected date]] * [[account_delegation|Account Delegation - Manage multiple accounts from your main account]] * [[Network Filters|Filtering your network st
- installing-connectors @de:docs
- Erweiterung, um über einen bestehenden GNU Social-Account diesen Service zu nutzen. Du brauchst dieses Erwe... ei denn, du wünschst es, über einen existierenden Account einen Beitrag zu schreiben. Alle drei Erweiterung benötigen einen Account im gewünschten Netzwerk. Zusätzlich musst du (bzw... tark, jedoch brauchen fast alle einen bestehenden Account im gewünschten Service. Einmal installiert, könne