
You can find the results of your search below.

Formatting Syntax @wiki
21 Hits, Last modified:
e. This page contains all possible syntax you may use when editing the pages. Simply have a look at the... it this page". If you want to try something, just use the [[playground:playground|playground]] page. Th... u can **__//''combine''//__** all these. You can use <sub>subscript</sub> and <sup>superscript</sup>, too. You can use <sub>subscript</sub> and <sup>superscript</sup>,
Friendica Installation @docs
18 Hits, Last modified:
mod-rewrite enabled and "Options All" so you can use a local ''.htaccess'' file * PHP versions 7.4 t... DED. Directory paths will not be as convenient to use and have not been thoroughly tested. This is REQU... ddons.git -b stable addon </code> If you want to use the development version of Friendica you can swit... more information during the installation, you can use this command line option <code> bin/console auto
Friendica BBCode tags reference @docs
17 Hits, Last modified:
ternet | ''%%[url][/url]%%'' | | Use some text as label for the link | ''%%[url=http:/... | ''%%[mail][/mail]%%'' | | Use some text as label for the email link | ''%%[mail... ou wish to separate a new paragraph, you can also use the ''[p]'' BBCode tag, accompanied with a ''[/p]... BBCode tag. === Code Blocks === You can either use inline code or create a multi-line code block, bo
Autoloader with Composer @docs
16 Hits, Last modified:
t it is available, without the need to explicitly use “require_once”. Once it is set up you don’t have to directly use it, you can directly use any class that is covered by the autoloader (currently ''%%vendor%%'' and ''%... es conflicts (could be that a library you want to use also defines a class named ''%%ItemsManager%%'',
Friendica Storage Backend Addon development @docs
15 Hits, Last modified:
Override the two necessary instances: <code php> use Friendica\Core\Storage\Capability\ICanWriteToStor... eption should be used in case the caller tries to use an invalid references. This could happen in case ... r for transparency reasons. Example: <code php> use Friendica\Core\Storage\Capability\ICanWriteToStor... > <?php namespace Friendica\Addon\samplestorage; use Friendica\Core\Storage\Capability\ICanWriteToStor
How To Move Classes to src @docs
14 Hits, Last modified:
you’re done deciding the namespace, it’s time to use it. Let’s say we choose ''%%Friendica\Core%%'' for the ''%%Config%%'' class. ===== Use the namespace ===== To declare the namespace, th... lly, PHP provides namespace shortcuts through ''%%use%%''. This language construct just provides a dif... m on its own. Here are the different ways you can use ''%%use%%'': <code php> // No use $config = new
FAQ / Friendica @faq
12 Hits, Last modified:
title="Are there any clients for Friendica I can use?">Friendica is using a [[docs:api-twitter|Twitter... on|Mastodon]] compatible API, which means you can use any Mastodon/Twitter/GNU Social client for your p... omparison_of_file_hosting_services|filehoster]]), use the "link"-button (chain-symbol). When you're ad... . However, instead of a direct upload you have to use one of the following methods: - Add the video
Friendica Addons @addons
10 Hits, Last modified:
Libravatar. Please disable Gravatar addon if you use this one. (requires PHP >= 5.3) * [[https://gi... ns for embedding the content. === googlemaps === Use Google Maps for displaying locations. After activ... maps|Link to the sources]] === openstreetmap === Use OpenStreetMap for displaying locations. After act... rces]] ==== Location ==== === geocoordinates === Use the OpenCage Geocoder http://geocoder.opencagedat
Press Room
10 Hits, Last modified:
rk]] by CovFeFe * [[|When to use Friendica over Diaspora*]] by eribuijs * [[ lauffeuer) * [[|How to use Friendica with Pidgin]] by Hauke Altmann * [[http:/
Themes @docs
10 Hits, Last modified:
iendica aware of its existence and tell it how to use the template file, by defining a config.php file.... nd link to the CSS file of it. Done. Now you can use the variant on your system. But remember once the... meta informations for the theme, see below */ use Friendica\App; function duepuntozero_lr_... not really useful at this state. Nevertheless, to use it, you just need to activate in the admin panel.
Using Composer @docs
8 Hits, Last modified:
docs:autoloader|Class autoloading]] ===== How to use Composer ===== If you don’t have Composer instal... . For the purpose of this help, all examples will use this path to run Composer commands, however feel ... ed a Friendica release archive, you don’t have to use Commposer at all, all the required libraries are ... e. === Installing with Git === If you prefer to use ''%%git%%'', you will have to run Composer to fet
Settings @docs
8 Hits, Last modified:
ig|config/local.config.php]] file. If you want to use this method, the registration policy has to be se... ged in users can register additional accounts for use as pages. These will still require approval if th... s can be avaiable from third-party addons. If you use those, please refer to the documentation of those... uses a proxy to connect to the internet, you may use these settings to communicate with the outside wo
8 Hits, Last modified:
wto's;-}} * [[|How to use Friendica with Twidere]] * [[|How to use Friendica with Pidgin]] * [[http://www.haukepauke.d
Where to get started to help improve Friendica @docs
7 Hits, Last modified:
ly update the dependencies with composer, you can use the `post-merge` [[ s are enclosed in single quotes, but feel free to use double quotes if it makes more sense (SQL queries... tag * No trailing spaces * Array declarations use the new square brackets syntax * Quoting style ... uting to Friendica. There are a few tools you can use to check or fix your files before you commit. Fo
Friendica Addon development @docs
6 Hits, Last modified:
ng immediately processed or acted on that you can use, display, or alter. Remember to declare it with '... ===== If your addon needs some template, you can use the Friendica template system. Friendica uses [[h... and execute it passing needed values: <code php> use Friendica\Core\Renderer; # load template file. f... [ 'catavatar-usecat' => DI::l10n()->t('Use Cat as Avatar'), 'catavatar-morecat' =>
Account Basics @docs
6 Hits, Last modified:
DokuWiki @wiki
5 Hits, Last modified:
Resources @de
4 Hits, Last modified:
Friendica Templating Documentation @docs
4 Hits, Last modified:
Using SSL with Friendica @docs
4 Hits, Last modified:
Filtering your Network Stream @docs
3 Hits, Last modified:
Tags and Mentions @docs
3 Hits, Last modified:
Chats @docs
3 Hits, Last modified:
Comment, sort and delete posts @docs
3 Hits, Last modified:
Twitter API @docs
3 Hits, Last modified:
Friendica translations @docs
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Two-Factor Authentication @docs
3 Hits, Last modified:
Vagrant for Friendica Developers @docs
2 Hits, Last modified:
First Steps @docs
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Admin Tools @docs
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Making Friends @docs
2 Hits, Last modified:
Updating Friendica @docs
2 Hits, Last modified:
Friendica Installation @de:docs
2 Hits, Last modified:
Forums @docs
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Groups and Privacy @docs
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Abstracts @docs
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Domain-Driven-Design @docs
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config @docs
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GNU Social API @docs
1 Hits, Last modified:
Welcome to your new DokuWiki @wiki
1 Hits, Last modified:
Friendica Hackathon 2020 @activitys
1 Hits, Last modified:
FAQ / Wiki @faq
1 Hits, Last modified:
Accesskeys reference @docs
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Account Delegation @docs
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User Documentation @docs
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Friendica Administration @docs
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Friendica API @docs
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How to Create a Bot @docs
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Mastodon API @docs
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home @docs
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Creating posts @docs
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Bugs and Issues @docs
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Themes @docs
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Configuration Guide for small Nodes @docs
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Connectors @docs
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Events @docs
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Friendica on GitHub @docs
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Installing Connectors (Twitter/GNU Social) @docs
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Imprint and data protection
1 Hits, Last modified: