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Fulltext results:
- Twitter API @docs
- he APIs]]. ===== Entities ===== These endpoints use the [[help/API-Entities|Friendica API entities]].... que in each network but not for all networks. The users are searched in the following priority: Friendi... values ===== * ''%%cid%%'': Contact id of the user (important for ''contact_allow'' and ''contact_deny'') * ''%%network%%'': network of the user ===== Unsupported parameters ===== * ''%%cur
- Mastodon API @docs
-|Fedilab]] Automatically uses the legacy API, see issue: https:%%//%%framagit.... 51|Toot!]] ===== Entities ===== These endpoints use the [[|Mas... rg/methods/accounts/|GET /api/v1/accounts/:id/statuses]] * [[ ] * [[|POST /api/v1/media]] * [[https://docs.j
- Settings @docs
- unts on your node, which can be moderated in the “Users” section of the panel. As well as an overview o... will set the default language for the node. It is used as fall back setting should Friendica fail to re... he visitors preferences and can be overwritten by user settings. The Friendica community offers some t... default system theme. This can be over-ridden by user profiles. Default theme is ''%%vier%%'' at the m
- Friendica Addon development @docs
- y URL path). ===== Naming ===== Addon names are used in file paths and functions names, and as such: ... ge. ===== Install/Uninstall ===== If your addon uses hooks, they have to be registered in a ''%%<addo... t the point the hook was invoked, * profile and user information, etc. It is recommeded you call thi... ng immediately processed or acted on that you can use, display, or alter. Remember to declare it with '
- Friendica Installation @docs
- un on commodity hosting platforms - such as those used to host Wordpress blogs and Drupal websites. We ... ood reasons to not choose a certificate, e.g. because you are running a local only test installation of... tml#allowoverride|AllowOverride All]]" so you can use a local ''.htaccess'' file * PHP versions 7.4 t... DED. Directory paths will not be as convenient to use and have not been thoroughly tested. This is REQU
- Friendica BBCode tags reference @docs
- ^ | embed an image | ''%%[img] t of the image | ''%%[img=64x32] (description) for it | ''%%[img= ont has to be present on the viewers system to be used. ==== Links ==== ^ Purpose ^ BBCode ^ | Se
- Friendica API @docs
- he APIs]]. ===== Entities ===== These endpoints uses the [[:docs:API-Entities|Friendica API entities]... #Event|Event]] entities for the current logged in user. === Parameters === * ''%%since_id%%'': (opt... ''%%profileurl%%'': Profile URL ==== GET api/statuses/public_timeline ==== Returns a list of public [... false) * ''%%conversation_id%%'': Shows all statuses of a given conversation. * ''%%include_entitie
- Formatting Syntax @wiki
- e. This page contains all possible syntax you may use when editing the pages. Simply have a look at the... it this page". If you want to try something, just use the [[playground:playground|playground]] page. Th... u can **__//''combine''//__** all these. You can use <sub>subscript</sub> and <sup>superscript</sup>, too. You can use <sub>subscript</sub> and <sup>superscript</sup>,
- Friendica Addons @addons
- ==== ==== Cross Posting Connectors ==== To allow users to publish their postings on other platforms as... r postings //on your old// account there as well. Users from these networks can connect with your Frien... ost === Post to WordPress (or anything else which uses blogger XMLRPC API) * [[https://git.friendi.c... ter|Link to the sources]] === blockem === Allows users to hide content by collapsing posts and replies
- Themes @docs
- ion of theme heritage. - Some themes also allow users to select *variants* of the theme.Those theme v... tory. This is only needed if the theme allows the user to change certain things of the theme dynamicall... re of the theme, you need to change the templates used by the theme. Friendica themes are using [[http:... templates any template that exists there will be used instead of the default one. ===== Javascript ==
- Database Tables @docs
- |ActivityPub compatible contacts - used in the ActivityPub implementation| |[[https://gi...|application-token]] |OAuth user token ... |ActivityPub endpoints - used in the ActivityPub implementation | |[[... |Diaspora compatible contacts - used in the Diaspora implementation | |[[https:/
- Friendica API authentication @docs
- ods: HTTP Basic and OAuth. HTTP Basic is easy to use, but it requires your account password, so it gra... to grant limited permissions, so that someone can use the API to e.g. read your posts, but not create new ones. You can therefore use OAuth with other applications that you wouldn't w... P Basic authentication should be sufficient here. Use the same username and password you use to login.
- How To Move Classes to src @docs
- ==== How To Move Classes to src ====== Friendica uses [[:docs:Composer|Composer]] to manage autoloadin... lly included]] when the class it defines is first used in the flow. This is an improvement over the cur... consequences as it will be the name that will be used to refer to this class from now on. There is [[h... you’re done deciding the namespace, it’s time to use it. Let’s say we choose ''%%Friendica\Core%%'' fo
- Autoloader with Composer @docs
- ====== Autoloader with Composer ====== Friendica uses [[|Composer]] to manage d... t it is available, without the need to explicitly use “require_once”. Once it is set up you don’t have to directly use it, you can directly use any class that is covered by the autoloader (currently ''%%vendor%%'' and ''%
- GNU Social API @docs
- he APIs]]. ===== Entities ===== These endpoints use the [[:docs:/API-Entities|Friendica API entities]... api/help/test * GET api/search * GET api/statuses/show/:id * POST api/statuses/destroy/:id * GET api/statuses/followers * GET api/statuses/friends * GET api/statuses/friends_