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- AaronSwift1 (aaronswift1) - Public Page
- Andreas Kilgus (aki42) - Public Page
- AL-ZAHOOR-MEDIA-FOUDATION (al-zahoor-media-foudation) - Public Page
- Alex Meier (alawis99) - Public Page
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Fulltext results:
- Twitter API @docs
- que in each network but not for all networks. The users are searched in the following priority: Friendic... values ===== * ''%%cid%%'': Contact id of the user (important for ''contact_allow'' and ''contact_deny'') * ''%%network%%'': network of the user ===== Unsupported parameters ===== * ''%%cursor%%'' * ''%%trim_user%%'' * ''%%contributor_details%%'' * ''%%place
- Friendica Addon development @docs
- t the point the hook was invoked, * profile and user information, etc. It is recommeded you call this... ==== Admin settings ===== Your addon can provide user-specific settings via the ''%%addon_settings%%'' ... ooks ===== ==== authenticate ==== Called when a user attempts to login. ''%%$b%%'' is an array containing: * **username**: the supplied username * **password**: th
- Friendica API @docs
- #Event|Event]] entities for the current logged in user. === Parameters === * ''%%since_id%%'': (opti... se) === Unsupported parameters === * ''%%trim_user%%'' ==== GET api/statuses/networkpublic_timeline... ameters === * ''%%include_rts%%'' * ''%%trim_user%%'' * ''%%contributor_details%%'' ---- ==== ... ameters === * ''%%include_rts%%'' * ''%%trim_user%%'' * ''%%contributor_details%%'' ==== GET api
- Settings @docs
- unts on your node, which can be moderated in the “Users” section of the panel. As well as an overview of... he visitors preferences and can be overwritten by user settings. The Friendica community offers some tr... default system theme. This can be over-ridden by user profiles. Default theme is ''%%vier%%'' at the mo... uire approval to register). By default, logged in users can register additional accounts for use as page
- Database Tables @docs
-|application-token]] |OAuth user token ... |[Deprecated] User notifications ... |personal (per user) configuration storage ... ca/src/branch/develop/doc/database/|post-thread-user]] |Thread re
- Friendica Addons @addons
- ==== ==== Cross Posting Connectors ==== To allow users to publish their postings on other platforms as ... r postings //on your old// account there as well. Users from these networks can connect with your Friend... ter|Link to the sources]] === blockem === Allows users to hide content by collapsing posts and replies.... lters out postings in languages not spoken by the users * [[
- addons @de:docs
- 'authenticate'** - wird aufgerufen, wenn sich der User einloggt. $b ist ein Array 'username' => der übertragene Nutzername 'password' => d... tze das auf einen anderen Wert als "0", damit der User sich authentifiziert 'user_record' => die erfolgreiche Authentifizierung muss auch einen gültig
- Filtering your Network Stream @docs
- imple filter, that matches words specified by the user to the text of postings in the network stream. If... hat triggered the filter will be displayed to the user why the posting was collapsed. The case of the wo... ndica-contentfilter.jpg?nolink |Screenshot of the user settings of the content filter addon}} ==== Advan... {2}/"%%'' - Collapse posts that were shared ''causer_link != author_link'' if you only want to filter
- Friendica API authentication @docs
- ntication should be sufficient here. Use the same username and password you use to login. One wrinkle i... sm, so getting this process wrong can expose your users' accounts to being impersonated or their data st... cated, but it's worth it for some use cases. The user experience is the same as e.g. those "Login with ... t https://farmgame.example, and you want to allow users of a Friendica instance called FriendZone, hoste
- Friendica Installation @docs
- w/smarty3 exists and is writable by the webserver user, in this case www-data <code> mkdir -p view/smar... y database and note the access details (hostname, username, password, database name). Friendica needs t... he port of the mysql/mariadb database * ''MYSQL_USERNAME'' The username of the mysql database login (used for mysql) * ''MYSQL_USER'' The username of the
- bbcode @de:docs
- </a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>[img] .jpg[/img]</td> <td><img src=" to"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>[img= Logo[/img]</td> <td><img src="
- config @docs
- configurations files. They must not be changed by users, because they can get changed from release to re... > <tr> <td><pre> $db_host = 'localhost'; $db_user = 'mysqlusername'; $db_pass = 'mysqlpassword'; $db_data = 'mysqldatabasename'; $a->config["system"]["db... re> 'database' => [ 'hostname' => 'localhost', 'username' => 'mysqlusername', 'password' => 'mysqlpas
- Friendica API entities @docs
- s | No | | ''urls'' | List of URLs | No | | ''user_mentions'' | List of User mentions | No | | ''media'' | List of Medias | No | ===== Event ===== ... ''id'' | Integer | | | ''uid'' | Integer | Owner User Id | | ''cid'' | Integer | Target Contact Id | ... | | ''id_str'' | String | No | | ''in_reply_to_user_id'' | Integer | No | | ''in_reply_to_user_id_s
- Themes @docs
- ion of theme heritage. - Some themes also allow users to select *variants* of the theme.Those theme va... tory. This is only needed if the theme allows the user to change certain things of the theme dynamically... function theme_post(App $a){ // non local users shall not pass if (! local_user()) { return; } // if the one speci
- Friendica Hackathon 2020 @activitys
- 18h UTC open round / workshop for Friendica users, developers and other interested people free to ... nterpretiert werden Blocking Contacts for users Tutorials for coding friendica T... d explaining stuff like relay servers New user guidance like, how to find new contacts (New user widget?) Community Page - Infinite Scrolling